Wednesday, January 15, 2014

FFXIV Fan fiction/character backstory

-1571, Sixth Astral Era, about 1 year before the Calamity-
Eorzea a land in grave peril, with Dalamud looming over head and the steady march of Garlean soldiers growing ever closer to home thousands of men and women, Hyur, Elezen, Lalafell, Miqo’te, and Roegadyn alike joined together to form the Eorzean Alliance. Together they would defend their way of life, their home, and their loved ones. But even though this was the right course of action someone couldn’t accept being left behind.
In a town on the border of Ul’dah and Gridania a young boy around the age of thirteen argues desperately with his parents and their two Roegadyn companions to let him join them in the war against the Garleans.
“Father why won’t you let me come with you?! I can fight too!”
The young boy cried out with indignation.
“I won’t let you come with us because a war is no place for a child your age.”
 In contrast to his son’s uproar the father was calm.
“Neither was all those adventures we went on but you still brought me along anyway!”
The boy retorted with fierce determination.
“That was different we prepared you for those and we were with you the whole time, that won’t be the case in war. And we won’t be up against monsters or thugs; we’ll be fighting well trained soldiers.”
The boy heard his father’s words but still resisted being left behind. After all killing someone wasn’t new to him. He had killed a man before at the age of seven to save the life a girl only one year younger than him which had made the kill entirely justified. And the boy understood the justification why his parents had to go to war with the Garleans so he wanted to help and continued to resist until his mother spoke.
“Synn please understand we know you want to help us in the war so we can go back to adventuring and help make Eorzea a better place. But for that to happen this war needs to end quickly and we can’t make it end quickly if we’re worrying about your safety.”
The boy named Synn tried to say that he could handle himself in a fight but his mother cut him off.
“Yes I know you can handle yourself in a fight but this isn’t like an ordinary fight this is war and you are just too weak to be of any help in it.”
Hearing that he was too weak to be of any help really frustrated him, he had trained every day with his father, mother and the two Roegadyn’s in their company to get stronger but the strength he accumulated wasn’t enough to allow him to join in the war. He suddenly wished that he was older so that he would already be a Dark knight like his parents promised and maybe if he was a Dark knight they would take him, but one does not just get older by just wishing for it, because of this he had nothing left to convince his parents to bring him along.
With a sigh Synn finally agreed to stay behind.
 “Fine I get it but all of you better come back in one piece.”
Synn then held out his clenched fist. In response his parents and their two Roegadyn companions each bumped fist with him, their way of forging a promise. And with that the group said their goodbyes and departed leaving Synn in the care of an orphanage’s staff.
Although he agreed to stay at the orphanage Synn didn’t like it one bit, he missed his parents, his friends, and his freedom. Living life in the same place day in and day out offered little excitement and the same boring routine, he may have just been exaggerating but he felt as if time was repeating itself.  The other kids kept playing the same games having the same arguments and always having the same priestess break up the fight. Everything was perfectly stagnant.
Fearing that he would become trapped in that same repetitiveness Synn purposely excluded himself from joining in. And he especially excluded himself from what the orphanages staff put together which usually consisted of allowing the kids to play amongst themselves, feeding them, putting them to bed, and holding sermons about the Twelve.
Synn did his best to avoid being politely forced to attend these sermons. Not because he didn’t believe in The Twelve but because the priests just went on and on about how blessed everyone’s lives would be if they worshipped them, how all the good in life is because of them, or how everyone who doesn’t worship them is ‘lost’. In fact Synn believed that the priests were wrong on all accounts because in the few weeks that he had been staying there he had met several beggars who had been worshipping them every day and their lives didn’t show any sign of being blessed. Secondly he didn’t need The Twelve to tell him what was good and bad, common sense did that for him.  And he saw people who openly refused to worship them and yet lead very successful lives.
As the months passed Synn grew increasingly bored with his life at the orphanage and one day he received a visit from a concerned priestess with several youngsters in tow.
 “Synn are you alright?”
The priestess asked with a soft soothing voice.
Since she asked nicely Synn couldn’t restrain his answer.
“Bored out of my mind and very restless but other than that I’m fine.”
This was how he honestly felt and he seriously contemplated whether he would go insane if he stayed at the orphanage any longer. Shaking the thought out of his head he waited for what the priestess would say next.
“Oh if you are bored you cou--“
Synn knew what she was going to suggest before she finished and quickly shook his head cutting her off.
 “No I would rather not.”
The mere thought of doing something so repetitive such as kicking a ball around made Synn drowsy with boredom. Growing impatient he urged the priestess to get to the reason she came to see him.
“Oh well I’ve noticed that you haven’t been going to the sermons that Father J-“
“What of it?”
“C-can you tell me why you haven’t been going to them? If there’s something upsetting you please let me know.”
Finally at the point of this conversation Synn looked up at the ceiling of the orphanage in contemplation.
“Something that’s upsetting me, huh?”
The priestess enthusiasm increased when she finally got something out of him.
“Yes that’s right whatever it is I’m sure we’ll work it out.”
Turning to face the priestess he quickly replaced her smile with a frown.
“What’s upsetting me is that you and everyone else here rely too much on The Twelve for guidance.”
“Eh… what do you mean?”
“I mean that everyone here apparently needs The Twelve to tell them what to do, everyone expects them to solve their problems without even trying to fix it themselves. You all claim that everything that happens is the will of The Twelve, part of their divine plan. It’s as if you all have no will to call your own.”
“N-no Synn that’s wrong.”
“Really? Then tell me. How is it wrong?”
“U-um… well… you see… you know let’s ask Father Jo-“
“No. I don’t want to hear his answer I want to hear yours, if you can give me an answer then I’ll admit that what I said is wrong.”
The priestess was speechless and from the unexpected pressure Synn had placed on her started to tear up. After a long silence Synn concluded that she wasn’t going to say anything so he continued speaking.
“If you can’t give me an answer then you are just like all the rest spineless and weak, a mere puppet of The Twelve. Why would I ever want people like you to tell me how to live my life? That priestess is why I haven’t been going to the sermons.”
Synn’s fierce and cold words had sent the priestess running out the door with tears streaming down her face. The kids who accompanied her oblivious to the nature of their conversation but aware that he made her cry launched a volley of hate filled words at him.
“You meanie she was just trying to help!”
 An Elezen child hardly six years old shouted at him.
“Yeah you didn’t have to make her cry!”
 A young freckled Miqo’te chimed in.
Unfazed Synn merely waited for them to leave, his beliefs unshaken.
Since his ‘talk’ with the priestess arguing with the orphanages other staff became a rather regular occurrence in which he would leave them and even the head priest dumbfounded. These arguments lead to practically everyone avoiding him. To the priests Synn was a ‘problem child’ so they still took care of him but once his needs were met they would disperse unsure how to help him. Synn actually liked that everyone started avoiding him because now he could roam wherever he wanted to and no one would stop him. This wasn’t ideal but it was a lot better than the first few months Synn stayed at the orphanage. And of course Synn wasn’t immune to the effects of being left alone.
On those rare days where he did feel lonely he would quell that feeling by either visiting the nearby chocobo stables, and playing with the chicks when the Chocobo keeper allowed it or by practicing his swordplay which he now did in secret as when the other children saw him they would pester him to let them try. Synn knowing that they would hurt themselves since they were younger than when Synn started using a sword and that they had no prior experience with one adamantly refused their requests.
Although he was in the right this didn’t exactly make them treat him any different. The last thing he did every day he was at the orphanage was watch with growing anxiety as Dalamud become increasingly larger with each passing day.
After several months of doing so, looking up now seemed to be a daily habit of Synn’s, one filled with increasing worry and restlessness. On the roof of the orphanage he had watched Dalamud grow and grow ever since being left there by his parents. 
The more it grew the more anxious Synn felt but most of all he felt frustration eating at him as he could do nothing to send it back to where it belonged or halt its descent.  He knew that his parents and their friends as well as the rest of the Eorzean Alliance were doing all they could to do just that but that just made it worse especially now that streaks of fire could be seen coming from Dalamud unto the land.
What came next however would leave a lingering vexation in him for the rest of his life. Dalamud had shattered into countless pieces which scattered and crashed in various locations and at the center of where Dalamud should have been was instead a large silhouette of the Elder Primal Bahamut. As Synn watched it wreak destruction upon the land he began to shake. He was shaking so much that it became difficult to remain standing, to try to stop it he grasped his hand with the other .
But the fear and anger that he couldn’t do anything to stop its rampage was overwhelming.
He was weak.
What happened next was a mystery even to Synn because he was watching it all unfold but now waking up in his bed he couldn’t remember what happened once Bahamut was preparing an attack that would have surely devastated the land. Rushing up to the roof an undeniable fervor compelled Synn to find out what had happen but upon reaching the roof and surveying the land it offered no answers. Even asking those who avoided him gave little explanation, now the only thing he could do was wait for his parents and their friends to return.
-1575, 4 years after the Calamity-
To say that Synn was anxious about his parents not coming to pick him up after four years after The Calamity was a vast understatement.
Even though this feeling was constantly nagging at him, he wouldn’t let that stop him from doing what his parents taught him. He had followed this man for that very reason. The man in question was a thief who had just robbed and killed an Elezen woman and for that Synn killed him but not before he was lead to his hideout, an abandoned building just on the outskirts of town.
 Four years ago this building was used to house the chocobos the Chocobo Keepers used but ever since The Calamity it has fallen into disrepair and left to rot while repairs were focused on more important buildings. And now it was a hive the local scum have occupied, standing before it now Synn was determined to cleanse it of every single scum down to the last. Opening the door and walking inside he was immediately enveloped in the smell of alcohol.
 Synn had apparently interrupted a celebration they were having. Seeing as how none of them had noticed him enter he decided to dispatch a few before the real fight. After dealing with two Hyur, a Lalafell, and the only Roegadyn present all the attention was on him.
A black haired Miqo’te stumbled forward clearly drunk but the only one who wasn’t fazed by the death of her comrades and challenged Synn.
“Not bad b- *hic*-boy but yous don’t really believe you- *hic* you can take us all on at once *hic* right?”
Synn didn’t reply but looking at all the jewelry she was adorned with and how everyone else was watching her Synn guessed that she was the leader.
“Not going to *hic* speak huh? Ah well I suppose it *hic* s for the best. The dead have nothing to say after all!”
Synn watched as the Miqo’te pulled out her sword and saw that it like its owner was covered in various ornaments but mostly where the blade joined the hilt.
Smiling to himself he prepared for the Miqo’te’s attack. She then charged at Synn holding her sword high above her head, in response Synn lowered his stance patiently waiting for the obvious downward stroke from his foe.
 Just as predicted it came, while rising from his lowered stance Synn’s blade met the Miqo’te’s with a loud clang. The change from confidence to despair in the Miqo’te’s face as she watched her beloved sword shatter in two was apparent to all, most notably to Synn and without missing a beat Synn reached out and grasped the Miqo’te’s neck with his left hand and then plunged his sword into her stomach.
 Finished with her Synn turned to face the rest of the drunken rabble that remained whose morale upon seeing their leader killed before them had significantly lowered.  Even with lowered morale and being considerably drunk it appeared as though they would still fight.
Fighting drunken rabble was hardly a challenge but they were still criminals who deserved nothing less than what justice demanded. Despite fervently believing this to be the best way to deal with criminals and the like Synn wanted them to put up more of a fight rather than stumbling towards him with swords drawn, most of them falling on their own swords making Synn not even have to bother.
 Having finished what he came here for Synn cleaned his sword and started counting the number of the dead, there were fifteen in total. Out of those fifteen only three of them had managed to make Synn block once. Sighing Synn shook his head and frowned, he wasn’t pleased with this at all.
Hoping that he would at least get something out of this he bent down to pick up a pouch filled to the brim with Gil; upon picking it up he heard a gasp. Turning to see where it came from he saw three Hyur enter and among them was what appeared to be a boy no older than ten. Synn would have a word with him as soon as he was done with the other two but right as he was standing back up they did something he didn’t expect. The Hyur closest to Synn yelled ‘run’ and they all did just that.
“Damn cowards.”
Quickly running out of the stables Synn pursued the three Hyur.  Catching up took almost no effort at all because they were running down the main road in the town which had various merchants and travelers moving to and fro, often bumping into the fleeing trio. As if realizing this they ran towards the market place where they destroyed a few merchant stalls in order to slow or halt Synn’s pursuit, but this backfired as an angry merchant caught the boy. Seeing as the boy was caught Synn decided to continue his chase of the other two but the boy managed to escape and ran after his fellows whom had left once he was caught. The boy ran into an alley which led towards the residential district, at this moment Synn caught up with the boy and pinned him to the ground.
“Let me go!”
The boy begged with tears in his eyes. Synn unfazed, questioned him.
“And why should I?”
“Because I’m the only one taking care of my family!”
Surprisingly the boy although still crying responded with a fire Synn didn’t see among the kids at the orphanage. Synn loosened his grip just enough so that it wouldn’t hurt the boy but still unsure whether or not to believe him Synn didn’t let go and questioned him further.
“And how exactly is hanging around those thugs taking care of your family?”
“It’s not as though I like being with them, they would have killed me had I not agreed to steal for them after I was caught trying to steal their Gil!”
After hearing that the boy tried to steal from criminals rather than common folk Synn instantly liked him.
“Heh you’ve sure got guts kid. So why do you need money so bad that you would resort to stealing it, from a couple of thieves no less?”
“I need it to pay for medicine to help my mom and to buy food. Besides those scoundrels weren’t going to use it for anything but themselves.”
Impressed by the kid’s guts and attitude towards those scum Synn released him and handed him the pouch of Gil he took.
“Here this should help.”
Opening the pouch the boy went wide-eyed and was speechless.
“Well see you later.”
And with that Synn continued his pursuit of the other two. In the distance behind him Synn heard a faint ‘thank you’. Smiling Synn increased his speed and found that the other two Hyur hadn’t made it very far.
The two Hyur seeing Synn catching up ran through a house to try to shake him off, at first this didn’t work but another unexpected turn of events would change that. Without warning Synn was immediately grabbed and forced to the ground by a Paladin, an Elezen Male.
“Hah! Caught you, nowhere for you to go now thieving scum!”
Annoyed at the Elezen Paladin’s accusation and interference Synn decided to ‘pleasantly’ correct him.
“Yeah you did a real good job stopping the guy who was chasing those ‘thieving scum’ while you were just standing around in your oh so holy splendor. Now get off I can still catch them, hurry up now!”
“Quiet you we saw you running through all those houses!”
Synn shook his entire body trying to free himself but each time he managed to free an arm or a leg the Paladin would press more of his weight on to him.
“Again I was chasing those people who almost always avoid your attention no matter what you do.”
“Why you little-“
The Elezen Paladin raised a fist in anger and was about to bring it down on Synn but was interrupted by his female Miqo’te companion, another Paladin.
“Wait I know this kid from somewhere.”
Both Synn and the Elezen looked at her with confused looks as if she had said something utterly unbelievable.
For Synn being associated with a Paladin was inconceivable, that was mostly because of his and their way of doing ‘The right thing’ was vastly different. In fact if they had any inclination as to what he had done just a few minutes ago they would definitely throw him in a dungeon where he would either serve his time or escape and go back to doing what had put him there in the first place. If Synn was in their position he would eliminate the problem right then and there. For now though the problem at hand was how this Miqo’te Paladin knew him.
“So Miss did you expect us to find out how you know me or did you actually plan on telling us yourself?”
The Miqo’te became flustered and pouted at Synn.
“Ah I was just about to, sheesh it’s rude to rush people young man.”
“Well sorry but when there’s an oaf of a Paladin on top of me I make it a rule to live by to get said oaf off as quick as possible.”
Sighing she told Synn and the Elezen how she knows him.
“He’s one of the kids staying at the orphanage in town, I saw him while visiting a friend there.”
Synn looked up at the Elezen and shook a little.
“Well mister tough guy you heard her, I’m just an ordinary kid staying at the orphanage can you get off of me now?”
Synn could see him hesitate to move but once he looked at his Miqo’te companion he got off swiftly.
“Fine but if you cause any more trouble I won’t hesitate to throw you in the dungeon.”
Synn promised he wouldn’t cause any more trouble while making a mental note to not get caught causing said trouble.
 Putting more thought into it today was the only time he was stopped from ridding the town of its criminal population. And it was pretty convenient for those two who are long gone by now that Synn was stopped by Paladins who just happened to be where they ran. With this in mind Synn looked over both of the Paladins. From the Miqo’te Synn’s gaze shifted towards the Elezen, he was the one who had stopped him and tried to make him look as if he was one of those thieves. The Elezen noticed Synn staring at him and responded with a threating glare.
Synn avoided meeting the glare and quickly changed the subject.
“It’s just I haven’t been around this area of town much so I don’t know how to get back to the orphanage from here. Miss Do you think you can take me there?”
“Eh? Me but we’re-“
She looked towards the Elezen and he just waved her off and said it was fine.
“Ok let’s go I guess.”
Synn’s guessed that the Miqo’te is just a recent addition in the Paladins ranks while the Elezen was to be her Mentor. Or at least that was all he was supposed to be, Synn couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more to him… something sinister. Without any proof however and recent events investigating would only arouse suspicion. Leaving this hunch alone wouldn’t sit right with him so he would have someone less suspicious investigate for him. Upon reaching the orphanage he told the Miqo’te his plan.
“Miss, I have a favor to ask.”
“Hmm? What is it?”
“You should keep an eye on your Elezen companion, something’s not right about him.”
“What do you mean something’s not right about him?”
“It’s just a hunch but I think he may be in league with the local thieves.”
“That’s a bold accusation do you have any proof?”
“As I said it’s just a hunch that’s why I’m asking you to keep an eye on him.”
Synn could see the reluctance to do this in her eyes and could pretty accurately guess what she would be thinking.
‘Surely my superior couldn’t be in league with criminals’ right?’
 But Synn having been taught that people with power often misuse it knew that it was very likely to happen just about everywhere. If she wouldn’t do it he would find someone who will.
“Alright I’ll do it.”
“Thank you.”
The two parted and headed towards their separate destinations, for Synn that was the roof of the orphanage. It was now mid-day; with nothing better to do he decided to watch the main road and wait for his parents return. Unfortunately this was very uneventful and had made Synn incredibly drowsy which had caused him to fall asleep and start dreaming.
 It all took place somewhere in the forests of Gridania. With two others his father and a Roegadyn named Culain Bloom whom Synn had known his entire life. The trio was headed towards the only visible light in the dark forest, the camp site their other two companions had set up while they went on one of their many adventures; which for today was hunting for food.
 Arriving at the campsite the trio dropped the animals they were carrying near the fire. Culain smiled confidently and boasted of their success.
“We’re back ladies! Now I expect you two to cook us a feast after all the trouble we went to get these troublesome beasties!”
In response to his usual demeanor the ‘ladies’ gave him a dull expression and after a brief silence Culain’s female counterpart Serene Bloom spoke.
“Well if you had so much trouble with simple hunting then maybe we should’ve been the ones to go hunting while you handled the cooking.”
Upon hearing such an outrageous suggestion Synn immediately spoke against it.
“No. Nuh-uh. No way. Not going to happen. I’ve tried his cooking and it almost always ends up burnt to a crisp.”
Rubbing his arm as if Synn had wounded him Culain replied with a meek voice.
“My cooking isn’t that bad. In fact just a few weeks ago you and Naois ate my cooking as if your lives depended on it.”
Synn retorted pointing towards his mother and Culain’s wife.
“That’s because it did! We were stuck in a cave for three days with almost nothing to eat until they found us!”
Chuckling Synn’s mother offered to help Culain learn how to cook better and urged Synn and his father Naois to fetch more fire wood.
Being in a forest Synn and Naois returned relatively quickly with plenty of wood to last the rest of the night. Although it was quite humorous watching Culain ‘learn’ how to cook as if he was a new recruit in one of the City-states army, Synn and Naois decided to be more productive while they wait for them to finish cooking. Both Synn and Naois picked up a stick, walked three steps apart, and then turned to face each other
“So Synn, think you’ll do better this time?”
“Of course, I’ve been watching how you fight since our last mock fight and I’ve noticed a few openings for me to exploit.”
Naois smiled.
“Is that so? Very well I look forward to it.”
Pointing their respective sticks at the other they silently watched each other, waiting for an opening to exploit and score one or two of the three points needed to win. Suddenly Synn could hear words of encouragement from his mother behind him.
“Go Synn! You can do it!”
Naois looked displeased and his gaze shifted towards his wife just what Synn was waiting for.
“What no encouragement for me? I’m hurt Cinnia.”
Not squandering this chance Synn lunged forward and launched a flurry of quick strikes at his father’s chest. Caught off guard he franticly attempted to block Synn’s assault but much like the two-handed great sword he uses, his long stick couldn’t block every hit.
Continuing his assault Synn began forcing his father back causing him to trip. Immediately using this to his advantage Synn brought up his stick in the air then swiftly brought it down towards his father’s head stopping to where the stick just barely touched his forehead. Smiling Synn proudly said ‘I won’ then lightly tapped his father’s head with his stick.
Naois looked up at Synn and frowned slightly.
“A little unfair don’t you think?”
“I’m only doing what you taught me to ‘do whatever it takes to win’ right? What better way to win than to get mom to go against you?”
Letting out a wry smile Naois stretched out his hand, Synn reached his hand out expecting to help Naois up but was unexpectedly pulled forward followed by a light jab at his chest.
“Fair enough, but don’t forget your enemies could do the same, be prepared for that.”
With a sigh Synn helped his father to his feet and prepared for the third and final round. After distancing themselves from each other the two waste no time and charged at the other. Knowing he couldn’t overpower his father after meeting the charge Synn quickly rolled to the side and just barely dodged Naois’ swing at his head.
With Naois now facing away from him Synn unleashed another volley of quick strikes and again Naois had trouble keeping up. But then after blocking one of Synn’s attacks he quickly grasped Synn’s stick and tackled him to the ground. Without wasting any time Naois raised his stick while Synn also reached for a new stick and quickly shot it towards Naois.
And … it was a tie, Naois stick stopped at Synn’s face and Synn’s new stick stopped at his father’s neck. Looking down Naois saw the stick near his neck and stubbornly declared that he was faster and Synn just as stubborn said he was faster. This was followed by a small war between the two where they would poke each other repeatedly and say ‘I win’ until Cinnia put an end to it.
“All right that’s enough you two the food’s ready.”
Both Synn and Naois raised their voices in protest.
“No way I was faster; I won this fight Synn’s just being stubborn.”
“You’re getting old my stick was at your neck before yours was at my face.”
This followed by various insults from the two marked the continuation of their little war. Sighing heavily Cinnia took both of their heads and slammed them into each other.
“If I hear any more of this out of you two there’ll be no food left for you. Now that that’s settled let’s eat.”
While saying this Cinnia’s face went from a frightening scowl into a pleasant smile. Both Synn and Naois knew from previous experience not to challenge Cinnia when she was angry. That was suicide plain and simple.
Joining the others Synn and Naois quickly relaxed and shared in the growing revelry of their companions as they discussed the various adventures they had with each other. Finishing his food Synn decided it was time to discuss when he would become a Dark Knight with his parents.
“Mother, father I think it’s time I became a Dark Knight like you two.”
Both Cinnia and Naois spoke their response in unison.
“But why, I can clearly hold my own in combat so why can’t I be a Dark Knight yet?”
Naois was silent for a moment before speaking.
“Synn you’re just too young to be a Dark Knight.”
“Then how old must I be to become a Dark Knight?”
“Well seeing as you’re now ten I’d say when you wake up.”
Synn expected a number not ‘wake up.’
“You heard me. First you need to wake up.”
Suddenly Synn was brought back to reality by a priestess shaking him and telling him to wake up. A little groggy from being woken up in such a manner Synn inquired about the reason the priestess had woken him up.
“There’s someone here to see you.”
Synn sprang up in shock, someone? Not four or two people, just one? An eerie chill enveloped Synn down to the very core. Practically shoving the priestess out of his way Synn rushed to ground floor with numerous thoughts racing through his head.
 ‘A lie it has to be a lie they never actually cared about me, this is just some clever ruse to get back at me for all those arguments I won.’
 With this in mind Synn slowed his pace to a stop but his next thought sprang him back into action.
‘But what if they are telling the truth? Then again it could just be father playing a prank on me, making me wait for four years then coming alone to pick me up while the others wait to surprise me or something. Yeah that has to be it everything about this is something he would do. We never settled that war we had with each other after all.’
 Although this thought calmed him to a degree Synn couldn’t shake the eerie feeling he had and his desire for the truth urged him onward. Opening the door to the orphanages courtyard the unbelievable truth lay bare before Synn’s eyes.  
Standing before him was a Hyur Soldier of Ul’dah’s Immortal Flames and in his possession was something no one but the original owners should ever have: Naois’s journal and Cinnia’s pendant. Seeing both items in the hands this stranger Synn erupted into a frenzy of hate and rage, snatching both Synn pulled out his sword and with it came an indication of peril for the unlucky soldier.
“Where are my parents!?”
The soldier noticeably shocked by Synn’s behavior tried in vain to calm him.
“N-now son you need to cal-“
“I am not your son! Now answer my question!”
Slowly the soldier’s face went from perplexed to somber.
“They’re dead…”
Synn couldn’t believe that his parents two of the four strongest people he knew wouldn’t just die that easily. They’re lives were threatened before even before Synn’s very eyes but they were able get rid of the threat with Synn, Culain and Serene’s help. He wasn’t allowed to go with them during the war but he didn’t see how it would be any different.
“Look inside the book and see for yourself.”
Synn’s thoughts raced as he looked at the soldier and then his father’s blood stained journal.
‘Look inside the book? What would that prove? It’s just my father’s journal; he only used it to record the various adventures he went on.’
 Synn knew this but the curiosity of what the soldier meant was maddening. Putting away his sword Synn nervously opened his father’s journal. And there on the inside cover written in blood were the words he never wanted to see, as Synn read each word the feeling of emptiness grew.
‘Synn forgive us we couldn’t keep our promise, be strong we love you.’
Those were the last his parents left him.
Synn was stunned his two most loved people in the world gone.
Gone forever and he was powerless to change or to prevent it.  
‘I’ll never be able to see them again… never to go on adventures with them anymore…they’re gone and I couldn’t do anything to prevent it…’
Because Synn had shouted with all his might a considerable crowd had gathered which consisted of a few merchants and almost everyone who stayed at the orphanage. Among this crowd Synn could hear the chatter among the various passersby that had witnessed Synn’s revelation.
“What’s wrong with that kid?”
“I think I heard that soldier say that they died in The Calamity. Ever since that day this has become a regular occurrence for several months now. Such a sad day when a child losses his parents.”
“Sad indeed…all of this because The Garleans selfish ambition to rule the world.”
Hearing this Synn was instantly revitalized.
‘The Garleans…. That’s right… they started the war… they’re the ones that caused The Calamity. If it wasn’t for them mother and father would still be alive!’
Synn nor anyone else could change that his parents had died because of The Calamity. However there was one thing Synn could do for his parents.
“I’ll erase them from this world. I’m going to kill every single Garlean scum responsible for The Calamity. Not a single one of them will be spared!”
Synn’s vow for vengeance was enough to turn everyone around him sympathetic gazes into ones filled complete shock and disbelief.  The soldier that revealed the fate of Synn’s parents was speechless; from the look on his face it was obvious he was expecting a different reaction.
“Son… you can’t be serious. You mean to start a war Eorzea isn’t prepared for!”
“I told you I’m not your son and I’ll kill them regardless if I have the Eorzean Alliance’s help or not.”
“But that’s madness you alone cannot possibly overcome The Garlean Empire!”
While it was true that fighting The Garlean Empire would be quite the daunting task indeed Synn was not deterred. If he lacked the power to do so he would simply acquire power. Without a second thought as to how difficult it would be to obtain it Synn instinctively knew the power he would use to extract his revenge.
“So what? If I lack the power to challenge them now then I’ll become strong enough to do so later.”
The soldier was dumbfounded by Synn’s conviction and for a brief moment he just stood there with his mouth agape. Taking an additional moment to collect himself the soldier tried in vain to persuade Synn of an alternative to vengeance.
“This path you’ve decided upon will lead you to your death! Surely your parents wouldn’t want that!”
Synn scoffed at both the soldiers attempt to sway his decision to seek vengeance and his claim that he knew what his parents would want.
“I may only be seventeen but there’s no way I would die as easily as you think I will. And I’m sure such an understanding soldier such as yourself would know exactly what my parents would want without ever learning what they valued.”
Upon hearing Synn’s words the soldier went quiet and then his own anger began to show.
“You sorry fool you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into! You don’t know the horror that is the battlefield that it will ultimately lead to war! In war there is nothing but despair, bloodshed, and grief. What you’re doing will inevitably lead to that very thing!”
The soldier may have known what he was talking about as he himself showed signs of having fought in the war, but he was wrong entirely about Synn.
Growing up Synn learned of the cruelty the world offered to its residents. How the Garleans spread sorrow and death with their conquest to rule the world. How there were those who would use their power to deny others of the freedom all living beings are entitled to. How others with that same power treat others unjustly to suit their own needs. And most importantly how they all deserved nothing less than a swift end.
All of this was instilled in Synn by his mother and father.
“You’re wrong I know very well what I’m getting myself into and I also know that if we just leave them alone The Garleans will make another  assault into Eorzea.”
Looking around Synn noticed several passersby nod in agreement.
“You really are serious… you fool there’s no way you could possibly defeat them…on that day they brought forth a monster… a terrible… terrible monster it wrought destruction and death across the whole realm of Eorzea.. And you want to kill the people who brought it here... I… you don’t even stand a chance against it.”
Looking at the Soldier’s face which was now streaming tears and filled with fear as if he recalled a memory he had long since forgotten, as if he had said it many times Synn gave him an answer.
“So you’re just going to give up without fighting?”
“Fighting…? Yes look at all the good that did, Eorzea is still recovering from The Calamity all that fighting did nothing to stop it!”
“Only because you and the rest of The Eorzean Alliance weren’t strong enough to stop it...but you’re still alive now so just become stronger in order to prevent that from happening again.”
Although it pained him to say that his parents, with The Eorzean Alliance wasn’t enough to stop The Calamity he would do as they asked. He would be strong.
Again Synn had left the soldier speechless. Satisfied that he had won yet another argument Synn decided to return to his room and prepare for his search for the power his parents wielded. Before he even turned to leave however a man approached who would unbeknownst to Synn both help and hinder his plans.
“Sorry to interrupt but may I speak with you revered priest? Ah and you too young man.”
Taken a little off guard by someone suddenly needing him after all the time he spent at the orphanage Synn was now the one left speechless. Separating themselves from the crowd that had witnessed Synn’s and the soldier’s argument and finding the head priest the man spoke.
“I would like to adopt this young man here.”
If someone had said that to him while his parents were still alive he wouldn’t hesitate to make them regret it. But now it was different his parents were gone and Synn had already planned on how to take revenge. Although this was the case Synn was still wary of his potential step father so he decided to inquire about his identity.
“Sir may I ask you a question.”
“Yes young man? What is it?”
“Who are you?”
With a deep bow the man introduced himself with overflowing pride.
“Ah yes forgive me I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Cyril Teyrnon I own a large plot of land not far off from here.”
“So you’re a noble.”
“That’s right.”
Synn’s eyes flashed and a slight smile began forming on his lips. A brilliant opportunity was right before him. The man before him was a wealthy noble definitely someone with plenty of resources to take advantage of. All Synn had to do in order to make full use of those resources was become a part of the family. There was without a doubt a reason why Cyril wanted to adopt Synn but that wouldn’t stop him from leaving once he was prepared to. Whether or not this would in some way harm Cyril, Synn could care less.
Anyone who got in his way would pay dearly.
“Very well I have no objections being adopted by a man such as you. I’ll go gather my belongings.”
While Synn went to gather his belongings Cyril and the head priest took care of the adoption process.
Although Synn was already carrying all of his belongings he left Cyril and the head priest to consult the only clue he had about how to obtain the powers of a Dark Knight. Entering the room where the orphaned kids slept Synn walked over to his assigned bed and sat down.
Opening his father’s journal once again Synn reread the message left to him. Resisting the urge to weep Synn flipped through the pages. As Synn flipped through the pages, he noticed that some of the excerpts were dated before his father and mother were married.
 Immensely interested in his father’s life before he met his mother and the adventures they had before he was born Synn made a mental note to go back and read about it on a later date.  Barely half way through the journal Synn finally came upon the dates his parents Culain, and Serene joined the war against The Garlean Empire. Skimming these pages Synn found an excerpt dated a few days before The Calamity addressing him which would be his one and only clue.
“Knowing you Synn you’re definitely just as uneasy as I am about that giant falling rock in the sky. Looking back on that day we left you at that orphanage and seeing that despite our best efforts Dalamud continues to fall I can’t help but think that about how this would have turned out if you were older and by our side as a Dark knight. Maybe we would be going on adventures like how it was before this damn war already.
 But that is in the past nothing we can do about it, once this war is over however I promise that we’ll begin your training on how to become a Dark Knight. Although your mother and I regret having to do this we both agree that this world needs our strength.
 And lastly I plan to give this journal to you as a sort of rite of passage upon becoming a Dark Knight. However should the worst come to happen and this journal is handed to you by another don’t lose hope; in my time with my fellow soldiers here I’ve heard rumors of other Dark Knights somewhere in Eorzea. That’s not much to go on but my fellow soldiers couldn’t tell me more. Hopefully you won’t need to follow up on that rumor but if you do just know that we love you and we always will.”
With a sigh Synn closed the journal which was now his and packed his belongings into his knapsack and put his mother’s pendant around his neck. Returning outside Synn saw Cyril, his carriage, and a Roegadyn waiting for him Synn guessed that the Roegadyn was Cyril’s bodyguard. Despite it being rather common for nobles to have a bodyguard Synn felt somewhat uneasy by his presence. Taking a few steps towards them Synn was confronted yet again by the soldier.
“You’ve been given a great opportunity don’t waste it chasing after revenge.”
And that was it Synn had enough of the soldier and after punching him in the gut Synn briskly walked past him and joined Cyril on the carriage. The carriage left without delay and Synn looked back at the orphanage with slight elation mixed with heartache. Forcing his mind to focus on the present Synn began to mull over how he would take full advantage of his current situation. When the orphanage was no longer visible Synn’s thoughts were interrupted by Cyril’s outrageous request.
“Now young man had over your belongings to our friend here.”
“Excuse me?”
“I am your father now young man you’ll listen to me.”
“I understand that you adopted me and you’re now my step father but I’m hardly a child anymore you don’t have to teach me anything and giving my belongings to someone else wouldn’t be right, they’re important to me.”
After listening to Synn’s refusal Cyril’s face contorted into a scowl.
“Now listen here you ungrateful brat that life you’ve had before is for lowly peasants if people see that a son of mine were even remotely associated with those types of people I’d be a laughing stock. That will not happen, because now you’re no longer Synn Heolstor, now you’re Lennard Teyrnon my youngest son.”
Synn was outraged he had just left a cage and had apparently traded it for another.
“Are you insane?! You have the adoption papers in your hand right there and there is no way you’ll be able to fool anyone into believing that I am Lennard!”
“Ah but your wrong here take a look at this.”
Cyril pulled out a picture of his son Lennard and handed it to Synn. To Synn’s astonishment he did indeed look similar to Lennard but not completely. Lennard’s eyes were blue; his hair was blonde, his jaw much more slender and his overall physique paled in comparison to Synn’s. Still though the differences could be covered with a well thought out lie something Cyril no doubt prepared in advance.
“And these adoption papers? Easily disposable.”
With a smile Cyril casually crumpled up the adoption papers and tossed them over his shoulder.
Enraged Synn unsheathed his sword and lunged at Cyril.
Unfortunately in Synn’s haste he couldn’t react to the quick footwork of Cyril’s bodyguard’s and tripped as a consequence with his sword just grazing the right side of Cyril’s cheek. Immediately seeking to remedy his failure Synn turned his attention on the Roegadyn and tried to get back up, but a quick kick to his stomach prevented this. The Roegadyn then followed up with more kicks. Despite fighting a losing battle Synn fought back but thanks to the Roegadyn he was without his sword.
Taking out a handkerchief and covering his bleeding cheek Cyril voiced his displeasure at the scene before him.
“Don’t be too rough with him. If people see that he’s all bruised before we even get in the house people will ask questions. Just grab his things and be done with it.”
The Roegadyn while still beating on Synn replied in a harsh voice.
“Just add on to that little story of yours that we found him rescuing a girl from some hoodlums or something.”
“I’d rather not bother-“
“Well you might as well because anyone with a fire like that won’t back down like a wounded pup. In my experience with people like this you need to beat that fire out.”
As the Roegadyn finished talking to Cyril he finally stopped beating on Synn after knocking him out. With his fading consciousness Synn could feel the Roegadyn taking his belongings from him and with them his freedom.
-1575, half a month later-
Half a month Synn had stayed with the Teyrnon family at their manor and he loathed every day, every bell, every minute, and every second of it. He was denied his freedom for all that time just so he could pose as Lennard Teyrnon the second eldest child of Cyril and be married off to some girl he hardly knew.
This was all arranged when the real Lennard was still around and this marriage would give Cyril much more social standing in high society. For half a month he was living in his own personal hell. And in that time Synn’s anger and hate for those who had placed him here was on the verge of over flowing, however Synn restrained himself until the time was right.
 Now after much planning, sneaking, bribing, and meticulous searching that would end today, but for now he was stuck at the worst part of his own little hell; the Church of The Twelve.
Much like his time at the orphanage he despised being near a church let alone voluntary entering one, all because of the priests and priestesses unbelievable ability to repetitively spout the same phrases day in and day out. The priest in charge of today’s sermon was doing just that which had left Synn desperately seeking an escape. However in order to not draw suspicion unto himself Synn had only one option available to him which was to gradually fall asleep  while the priest continued his ramblings.
 Not even five minutes passed when Synn felt that all too familiar nagging voice ringing in his ears.
“Wake up Lennard and pay attention this is important.”
Sighing heavily Synn replied to his ambitious step-father.
“Are you sure this is important? Because I’m sure I’ve heard him say this five times in a row now.”
Cyril swiftly hit Synn on the backside of his head and spoke in a low voice so only Synn could hear him.
“It’s important because if anyone sees you dozing off more rumors about us will begin to spread just like last week.”
A small smile spread across Synn’s face. The event last week Cyril was referring to was a series of fires being started all around the Teyrnon manor which had apparently been started by numerous maids and butlers that worked there. While in truth it was Synn who had set the house ablaze, he then proceeded to make it look as if the maids and butlers started them.
 All of this was in order to remove the number of eyes wandering about as the Teyrnon family slept and Synn sneaked about putting all the pieces of his plan in place to finally leave his detested cage.
Was it heartless to make it seem as if someone completely innocent was guilty? Perhaps, but it was the most effective way to get them to leave as Cyril was very stingy with spending money and to him replacements equaled less money which worked in Synn’s favor. And besides it’s not as though Synn didn’t send them off without a little parting gift from Cyril himself.
Normally Synn would let Cyril’s treatment of him slide but not now for today the tables have turned and now Cyril was the one who was at a disadvantage. Taking the song book that was resting beside him Synn held it before the rear end of Cyril’s seat and waited. Finally the priest finished spouting his myriad ramblings and got ready to dismiss everyone. Right before that moment Synn brought back the hand carrying the song book, then swiftly closed the distance and with a loud ‘thok’ hit Cyril’s seat.
 That sound coupled with the shock of having his seat unexpectedly hit from behind caused Cyril to suddenly jolt out of his seat with a yelp. Needless to say all eyes were on him and there he stood sputtering various sounds which were no doubt an attempt to explain himself, failing to do so Cyril sat back down with an infuriated look on his face. Once the priest had dismissed everyone Synn rose first and left with a smile on his face. Exiting the church Synn hurried towards the carriage that was waiting for him and the rest of the family.
Taking a seat Synn went over the necessary steps to complete his plan.
After a few moments passed a young girl slightly younger than Synn in an unimaginably expensive dress sat across from him and as per her usual behavior around him interrupted what he was doing.
“Lennard you better not be up to something!”
Synn tried to look as innocent as he could.
“What could possibly make you think I’m up to something dear sister?”
“Oh no, I won’t fall for this again. You can fool Elmer but you can’t fool me!”
Before Lennard had vanished he apparently was the cause of many unwanted predicaments in which members of the family were subjugated to many moments of social disapproval and huge losses of wealth due to his various scams. In addition to that he apparently would make various sexual advances on women throughout the community.
And because his appearance was similar and thanks to Cyril’s lies about the differences Lennard’s reputation had become Synn’s. Talking to his step sister had reminded Synn of this annoying fact but since that would all end today he put up with it for now.
When Synn had first arrived at the Teyrnon manor he tried desperately to convince someone of his true identity, his step sister Odelyn was the first. Every time he tried however it quickly proved futile especially with his step sister. Upon immediately attempting to do so with his step sister he had unfortunately become acquainted with someone who he would rather not associate with. She was the type of person who believed that her noble upbringing  made her entitled to just about everything she desired and if anything got in the way of her getting what she wanted a fit followed suit. Once this behavior was revealed to Synn he went out of his way to avoid her.
Synn shock his head.
“I’m not planning anything Odelyn. I’ll just be in my room until the wedding starts.”
Odelyn didn’t completely accept Synn’s answer but she did quiet down a bit.  
A few moments later Synn’s thoughts were once again interrupted by another member of the Teyrnon family.
“So Lennard are you nervous about today?”
Synn replied honestly.
“Not really, I’ve spent the last few weeks preparing for today so there’s no need for you to be concerned.”
“Ha-ha good… good this is a very important step in becoming an adult so take it seriously.”
Elmer Teyrnon the eldest son of Cyril and the only person at the Teyrnon manor that Synn didn’t openly despise. Although Elmer differed in the way he treated Synn from the others he unfortunately couldn’t be persuaded that Synn wasn’t his younger brother Lennard.  
During Synn’s stay at the manor Elmer was the only person he could talk to about various topics. To Synn, Elmer’s presence was like a barred window to his cramped cage. Elmer was almost best type of person in the world he was knowledgeable of the events taking place throughout Eorzea, his sense of justice almost mirrored Synn’s, and he was well liked by many people. His only flaw would be his undying obsession with his wife.  
In the presence of his wife Elmer had everything that made him who he was flipped upside down. His knowledge of Eorzea became limited to how he could use it to benefit his wife, justice no longer mattered as long as he was with his wife, and the existence of everyone else around him became nothing but a blur. Because of this Synn avoided Elmer once his wife was present which she would be today.
When Synn wasn’t with the family or being forced to attend some ‘rehabilitation into a fine young noble man’ with Cyril, he was off preparing for the day he would leave and raise hell for his jailers. And today of all days was when everything was to be set in motion.
Today as Lennard Teyrnon, Synn was going to be married to the daughter of another Noble, which in turn would lead to Cyril gaining a beneficial marriage tie and thus increasing his standing in high society. Although Synn could have easily set his plan in motion earlier than today he waited until today so that it would have maximized its effect.
Finally after a long while Cyril emerged from the Church got on the carriage and the family departed.
Throughout the entire ride back to the manor Cyril was nagging at Synn about what to do, what to say, and so forth. Synn while half listening and giving short replies imagined how every part of his plan would play out.
Once the carriage stopped Synn hastily got off, told everyone he would stay in his room until the start of the wedding, and proceeded to do so. On the way to his room he saw the various maids and butlers finishing the prep work for today, heard Cyril barking orders, and encountered the man he was waiting for.
“So little boy, are you ready to become a ‘respectable man’?”
The Roegadyn whom Synn had become associated with during several beatings and the theft of his belongings when they first met mocked Synn with an air of superiority.
Synn responded with confidence.
“Yeah today is the best day to become a man. In fact once this wedding gets really fired up meet me at the front gate and I’ll show you just how much of a man I am.”
“Humph very well I’ll await you there little boy. Try not to disappoint me.”
“Oh don’t worry Brute; I’ll put on quite the show that will leave you breathless.”
With a wicked smile Synn closed the door to his room behind him and heard the Roegadyn he called Brute loudly walk away. The reason Synn called him Brute instead of his actual name was because his real name contradicted his behavior thus at least for Synn the Roegadyn became known as Brute.
Walking over to his bed Synn knelt down and pulled out a knapsack from under it. In just a few days Synn had reclaimed his belongings from his jailers though it was not easy.
 He had to ascertain were they had hid it first which took several bribes courtesy of Cyril Teyrnon, then he had to actually get them. Each of his treasured belongings was separated from each other. His mother’s pendant was in the possession of Odelyn and she had taken a liking to it and wore it constantly, the sword he had since the age of seven was being held at all times by Brute, and his father’s journal was somewhere among Cyril’s vast collection of books.
With their location available to him Synn set out to make sure that when he actually reclaimed them that no one would notice they were missing. Sneaking out of the house was somewhat difficult at first but as Synn repeatedly set fires and blamed the staff it got progressively easier. Safely away from prying eyes Synn luckily found a jewelry store that sold the same make of his mother’s pendant and a blacksmith that had a similar sword like his for sale and with Cyril’s money bought both. Replacing his father’s journal with a copy was more difficult as it had a unique design usually not found in Eorzea but this didn’t deter Synn in the slightest.
 After wandering around town for a while Synn happened to listen in a conversation about a group of traveling Thaumaturges passing through town with a carriage filled with various magical contraptions.  Upon immediately hearing this Synn began to run in search of the Thaumaturges.
 Why Thaumaturges would want to visit this town was beyond Synn but that didn’t matter he just hoped they would have what he needed. Turning around a corner Synn had found the carriage and the Thaumaturges entering a building. Without any hesitation Synn went up to the carriage and began searching. With luck Synn found an almost exact copy of his father’s journal the only difference being the symbol on the front cover but that being held between other books wouldn’t be noticed. Hearing the Thaumaturges return Synn ran as fast as his legs could carry him towards the manor.
 A safe distance and halfway to the manor Synn became curious as to the contents of the book he stole. Sitting down and opening the book Synn was enveloped in its content almost instantly as he read. It became apparent that the book now in his possession was meant to teach novice Thaumaturges basic spells.
With growing exhilaration Synn placed the book down, got up, walked a few steps forward, and turned towards a nearby boulder. Spacing his feet evenly apart Synn mirrored the movements he saw in the book and then as if pushing something in front of him stretched out his hand. In an instant hot and bright flames shot out of Synn’s hand towards the boulder which then partially shattered and the side facing Synn was completely scorched. Staring down at his hands Synn was ecstatic; he had successfully performed a basic spell without any previous training. Reading more of the book’s contents Synn learned of another novice spell. This time instead of creating a bolt a fire this spell would send out an ice shard. Although this delighted Synn he didn’t forget the power that he sought and if he stayed here fawning over a power that was in its own right impressive he wouldn’t be able to do so later.
Returning to the manor Synn immediately set to work retrieving his belongings. First was his father’s journal, making sure no one saw him enter Cyril’s study he found it and reluctantly placed the Thaumaturges book in its place. Next was his sword, the odds were in Synn’s favor as Brute was with his men drinking. All Synn had to do was wait until they passed out to swap the swords. Last on his list was his mother’s pendant and for that he waited for Odelyn to fall asleep then he would sneak in, try to restrain himself from laughing out loud from his step sister snorting in her sleep, and replace his mother’s pendant with the one he bought.
Smiling at the memory of how Synn reclaimed his belongings he put the knapsack on his back and once again sneaked out of the manor. 
When the manor was no longer in sight Synn got off the road and started digging near a few rocks that were previously arranged by him, and after a few handfuls of dirt Synn exposed a wooden box. Opening the box Synn took out the butler outfit which was stored inside.  Changing into the butler outfit Synn placed his belongings into the wooden box, closed it, and then covered it with dirt again. While walking further down the road Synn had the unnecessarily flamboyant clothes he was given to wear and tossed them into the air. Before it hit the ground Synn set it ablaze with the spell he learned and watched with glee as it violently burned and soon vanished.
The first chain that bound him was broken.
While Synn was enjoying his freedom a carriage stopped beside him with one of Cyril’s butlers driving it.
“Alright let’s get this over with.”
The butler addressed Synn with familiarity as he was recently bribed to help Synn and was now much wealthier.
Synn got on the carriage next to the butler and patiently waited for them to stop at their destination. And in a few moments they arrived at a manor much like the one Synn was forced to stay at. The only difference was the resident wasn’t of the Teyrnon family. Synn got off the carriage and headed for the front door. Knocking on the door and waiting a bit Synn was greeted by a maid.
“I have a message from Lord Cyril.”
As though this was the norm the maid she bowed then left, leaving Synn at the door.
After a brief moment Synn heard someone exclaim ‘really’ followed by a loud bustle with the maid returning with an older women dressed in extravagant and flamboyant clothing much like the pair he set ablaze a few minutes ago.
She was undoubtedly a noble.
Upon reaching Synn the women spoke with unbridled excitement.
“What message does Cyril have for me?!”
Synn answered in the most courteous manner he could muster.
“Lord Cyril has requested that you attend today’s wedding for his son Lennard Teyrnon and once the ceremony for his son is complete he will formally request your hand in marriage. I and my associate over there have come to escort you to the wedding this way please.”
“Oh! Marriage! At last we can be together as husband and wife!”
The women now with great energy rushed to the carriage followed by Synn and the maid. Once Synn was sure that both had got on the carriage Synn signaled for the driver to leave while he hurried towards another carriage. Sitting on the second carriage Synn watched the first one leave and after it was out of site he was greeted by another butler who like the first drove Synn to their destination.
The result of another bribe and the next step of his plan.
Like before they stopped at a manor not too far away and Synn got another noble lady into the carriage but this time Synn stayed on the carriage on its way towards Teyrnon manor. Before arriving however Synn was handed a pair of cloths and got off the carriage where his belongings were stashed.
Although Synn carried the reputation of Lennard he had the good fortune that the ladies he escorted to the manor were unaware of this because of just recently moving into the area. He wasn’t exactly religious but with the luck he’s had he couldn’t help but to thank the Twelve.
Quickly changing and digging up his belongings Synn now resembled an ordinary adventurer: proud, strong, and free.
But Synn’s work at the Teyrnon manor was not yet complete. He still had to make his jailers pay for denying him his freedom. Smiling in anticipation of the moment his plan would bear fruit Synn started to run towards the manor.
Sneaking past the front entrance and Brute, Synn entered the ball room and ignored the stares he was receiving from the various nobles that had gathered.
Taking a seat Synn waited for the show to begin.
As he waited the nobles that gathered began to talk and criticize his clothes since they saw him as Lennard rather than Synn this talk eventually reached Cyril.
 “Lennard, what do you think you’re doing?! Go back to your room and change into suitable cloths. You are getting married you should look the part.”
“Oh but I’m not getting married today Cyril, you are.”
With a mischievous smile Synn boldly challenged Cyril’s authority.
“Nonsense I’ve not made any plans on getting married today.”
And just like that everything was set into motion. Both of the noble ladies Synn had brought had heard Cyril and approached him to confirm what he said and in doing so became aware of the other.
“Cyril what do you mean you didn’t make plans to be married? You had your butler come to my manor and bring me here for that very reason.”
“What I didn’t send anyone to pick you up.”
Puffing out her chest beside Cyril the second noble lady Synn brought reveled in her apparent victory.
“That’s right he sent his butler to pick me up not you.”
Cyril was in quite the predicament. Before him stood two headstrong female nobles who had been promised marriage from the man they loved and they wanted answers.
No longer the center of attention, Synn, with an even bigger mischievous smile, enjoyed the scene before him for a while then silently headed towards the front gate.
Standing before him was Brute and several other guards Cyril had previously hired to help keep Synn at the manor.
The last chain preventing his freedom from becoming reality was the Roegadyn Brute and nine others.
Synn unsheathed his sword.
“Well looks like you’ve done a fine job at making sure our noble quests have had their fun.”
Synn pointed his sword directly at Brute with clear murderous intent.
“That’s right now it’s your turn.”
Brute only smirked and signaled his men to attack.
Leading the charge against Synn were two lancers, watching their eyes Synn guessed that they were aiming low, most likely at his legs.
‘Looks like they think they can take me alive.’
Although they wanted Synn alive he had no intention of giving them the same treatment.
Synn jumped and landed on both lances causing their wielders to drop them, quickly slashing at both of them Synn managed to kill both simultaneously. Seeing the others quickly reducing the distance between them he kicked up a lance and threw it at the advancing crowd piercing one through the chest and hitting another behind. Doing the same with the other lance he missed one of the guards by mere meters but used the distraction to charge forward and pierce his chest. Pushing the body off of his sword Synn was caught with one guard to his left and right. They both came running towards him and although he was able to prevent fatal wounds they managed to get in several smaller hits that began to add up. While blocking their attacks with his sword Synn built up a spell and once it was ready he set it upon them. Surprised by the sudden use of magic they jumped back to evade only one managed to escape but, then he was quickly stabbed in the heart by the lance Synn picked up again.
Now only Brute remained and with only slight injuries Synn was confident he could finish him off and finally be free.
Seeing his men defeated Brute had no choice but to join the fight. Holding his lance in front of him he waited for what Synn would do next.
In terms of strength and defense Brute was above Synn with plated armor and his natural physique but Synn had something that he didn’t. Distancing himself from Brute, Synn launched a volley of fire bolts and ice shards. Several of Synn’s volleys missed Brute but because of his hulking frame and lack of a shield most had hit him leaving him staggering back. And then a fire bolt hit his helmet knocking it off and temporarily blinding him. Brute dropped his lance and brought both of his hands to his eyes. Taking advantage of this Synn rushed towards him with his sword drawn and aimed for his throat. But Brute recovered quicker than expected and grabbed Synn’s neck with one hand and his sword arm with the other. While Brute twisted Synn’s wrist forcing his sword out of his hand he was lifting him in the air.
The situation was bad and was getting worse as Brute now used both hands to strangle Synn. His vision began to blur and as he couldn’t over power Brute, Synn desperately sought the means to avert his impending demise. And a slight glint caught Synn’s attention, lodged into Brute’s armor was an ice shard just over his heart. In desperation Synn had to bet on this one move to change things. Gabbing Brute’s arms for support he lifted up his legs and with all his might kicked the ice shard and hoped for the best. In that moment Brute’s grasp on Synn’s neck released and they both fell to the ground.
With several hacks, coughing fits, and gasps for air mixed in between Synn shakily got up and retrieved his sword.
Taking a few moments to steady his breathing and tend to his injuries Synn looked around him and reveled in what he accomplished.
‘There were only ten of them, five less than those at the orphanage but they put up much more of a fight than those scum. And I managed to kill Brute and ruin Cyril’s reputation so today wasn’t a bad day at all.’
A wide grin spread across Synn’s face. He finally made them pay.
Now he was truly free.
While Synn was lost in thought a crowd emerged from the manor and they were shocked to see who they thought to be Lennard Teyrnon among various corpses. Seeing their expressions Synn decided he still had business to do before he left.
“Remember this day and remember that I Synn Heolstor was responsible for what has happened and if any of you get in my way like them you’ll share the same fate.”
They may not believe him to be anyone other than Lennard but that didn’t matter anymore.
After cleaning his sword and sheathing it Synn left with a triumphant smile.
Now that there was a great distance between him and the manor Synn was happily humming a song in celebration of his freedom.
Synn continued to hum the same song until arriving at a small town not too far from Ul’dah.
The town was understandably quiet as Synn arrived late at night, there were a few people walking about but none of them paid attention to Synn as they returned to their houses. Synn preferred it this way; he was never one for small talk among strangers plus he wanted to reach Ul’dah as soon as possible. Noticing someone trying to break into a nearby building however proved that he would be staying for at least a while longer.
Slowly unsheathing his sword he began to creep up on the would-be thief. Once he was within striking distance a yellow creature about as tall as Synn’s waist darted between him and the thief.
*Kweh! Kweh!*
It was a chocobo, it was mad and it was noisy!
Ignoring it Synn lunged towards the thief but it was too late, the thief was aware of Synn’s presence and deftly avoided his attack.
The thief whose face was concealed by a simple cloth unsheathed his sword and charged at Synn without a word. Now normally Synn wouldn’t have trouble dealing with a lone thief but there was a problem.
The chocobo was pecking incessantly at his legs which sometimes drew dangerously close to where no sane man would want pecked.
So there was Synn half blocking the thief’s attacks and half trying to shoo away the chocobo. It wasn’t going well at all, Synn hoped that the commotion would make someone, anyone come and help. That posed a problem however, as the thief would see himself at a disadvantage he could possibly turn and run; Synn would have to finish him before that happened.
Thankfully someone finally came to help; it was a Roegadyn who had come out of the building the thief was trying to get into. This Roegadyn appeared to be the owner of the chocobo as it stopped pecking Synn and rushed towards him. Seeing the thief’s attention shift Synn went for the kill but his attack was parried which sent his sword into one of the supports of the building.
The force of the impact not only shattered Synn’s sword but it also destroyed the support beam causing part of the roof to collapse.
A partially collapsed roof is indeed distressing especially to the person who caused it and normally Synn would be concerned too, but he had bigger problems at the moment.
The thief started running away!
Pushing aside the consequences of the collapsed roof Synn bolted after the thief with nothing but the hilt of his now broken sword.  However his mad dash to catch the thief was cut short as several members of the Brass Blades appeared seemingly out of now where and pinned Synn to the ground.
Synn was pissed. This was now the second time that people who should have handled the situation without having Synn get involved in the first place fails to do so and now had him pinned to the ground instead.
‘Must there always be someone to get in my way? Can’t they see that I’m on their side?!’
Synn struggled vigorously to get back on his feet, and after a while he managed to get up enough to kneel but since there were six men restraining him so this was all he could muster.
“Let go of me! We can still catch the thief if we hurry! Come on now!”
An older Brass Blade no doubt the one in charge replied in a mocking tone.
“Sure we will. It looks to me like the actual thief is already in our custody. Nice try smart guy.”
“You idiot that’s because you focused all of your manpower on one task! Make them branch out a little you’ll accomplish more that way! We don’t have a lot of time to catch up to him now just let me go!”
‘Damnit just like at the orphanage. Nothing but idiots getting in my way.’
Freeing himself quickly was impossible and now that plenty of time has passed the thief would have gotten away by now. With this in mind he started thinking of a way out and that’s when he laid eyes on the familiar Roegadyn and found his way.
Synn stared at him expectantly.
Taking Synn’s stare as a cue to act, he spoke.
“Alright that’s enough I’ll take it from here.”
Synn couldn’t forget that voice even if he tried.
The Brass Blade leader looked puzzled.
“What are you going on about old man?”
“Well if you took your eyes of that young man there and look over here you’ll notice the damage to my store.”
Hearing the Roegadyn’s words each Brass Blade let go of Synn but formed a small circle preventing him from moving much.
“Yeah I can see that so what?”
“So I would have him take responsibility for the damages.”
Although he would regret having to do so Synn was prepared to use the money he took from Cyril to pay for the debt the Roegadyn placed on him.  But what had happened next appalled Synn.
“By working for me until the repairs are complete.”
‘That idiot what in the Seven Hells is he thinking?!’
Once the Brass Blades and the Roegadyn finished discussing the pros and cons of having Synn work until the repairs were finished. He was escorted into the Roegadyn’s store, thus resigning him to yet another cage.
Once inside the Roegadyn noticed Synn’s bandaged wounds but didn’t inquire about them. Instead he and Synn waited until the Brass Blades were out of earshot to speak. Synn spoke first.
 “What in the Seven Hells are you doing here Culain?! And another thing if you were alive how come you didn’t pick me up from the orphanage?!”
Culain sat down and meekly replied.
“Because it was my fault that they died…”
“What do you mean ‘your fault’?”
Staring blankly at the floor Culain told Synn what happened on the day of The Calamity.
“…When that monster emerged and started to wreak havoc everywhere everyone began to flee. And I seeing as there was nothing we could do to stop it decided to make as many of those bastards pay for bringing that monster into the world. You’re parents and Serene… they followed me as I charged through the fleeing Garleans and then… when some of them regained their will to fight and surrounded me that beast flew overhead… and wherever it went destruction soon followed… a streak of fire came crashing down between us and that’s when… when they….”
Culain couldn’t go on as he was chocking up too much but it was enough to inform Synn of what happened.
Culain and Synn. Both of them were bound by the same sorrow of losing their loved ones. All because of the Garleans ambition.
Synn was very inexperienced in comforting people but since Culain was an old trusted friend he gave it his best shot.
“Don’t worry Culain once I’ve become strong enough I’ll make the Garleans regret the day they messed with us.”
Synn spoke with a sincere smile.
Culain looked up at him with sad eyes but a wry smile.
“You’re just like your father; stubbornly taking on the near impossible. And with a sword like that I’m sure you’ll come back missing an arm or a leg.
Lifting up the destroyed blade to see it better Synn smiled.
“Ha-ha Yeah and if I’m lucky I’ll only lose a forearm or my foot.”
Both of them laughed dryly.
For a brief moment they were silent as now their now bittersweet memories of their loved ones swept over them. Remembering Culain’s usual brash nature which was now subdued a bit because of The Calamity get them in trouble; Synn grew curious about his recent endeavors regarding the thief.
“By the way Culain, I see you’re now a blacksmith in this town and all but what did you do to make a thief want to steal from you?”
At the mention of this Culain grew tense and his melancholic eyes glinted.
“That wasn’t a thief Synn that was a Garlean scout.”
At the mere mention of Garleans Synn’s blood began to boil with hate and his eyes flashed like an animal hunting its prey.
“A Garlean scout? What proof do you have?”
Before Culain could answer the chocobo yawned making Culain look out the window.
“We’ll talk about this more later for now though we should get some sleep, it’s very late.”
Synn didn’t like it but he trusted Culain so he agreed and followed him to where he would sleep. His bed while he was to stay in this town was no more than a pile of hay but having slept in worst places he didn’t complain. It took a while to calm down but Synn managed to relax and finally sleep soundly.
In four Bells the sun rose over the horizon and Synn and Culain were now awake. Despite only having four Bells of sleep Synn was wide awake, this was mostly due to the fact that he became aware of Garlean presence in the area. Pulling out pieces of hay out of his hair and cloths he met with Culain who was preparing a meal for them both. Sitting down Synn went straight to the point.
“So how do you know that was a Garlean scout and not just a common thief?”
After placing food before Synn and some for himself on the table Culain wandered around the store and searched furiously for something. With a sudden ‘aha’ he returned with what he was searching for.
Placing the object in the center of the table Culain sat across from Synn.
“That is how I know.”
Synn didn’t know what to make of Culain’s proof for he had never seen anything like it. The surface was smooth to touch, had a cylinder shape and straight through the center was a hole. He wasn’t sure how this proved anything.
“And what exactly is this?”
“That is the gun barrel of Magitek armor.”
“Those machines the Garleans used in the war?”
“How did you find it?”
When Synn inquired as to how Culain found the object his cheeks flushed briefly.
“I… I…ah stumbled across it after a night of revelry.”
“You found it while drunk.”
Culain nodded.
“How are you not dead yet!?”
To Synn and his parents Culain was known to be a rather aggressive and boastful drunk. How he managed to ‘stumble’ on something the Garleans took great pride in was unbelievable.
Culain rubbed his arm.
“Hey now just because I get a little pushy when I’m drunk doesn’t mean I can’t handle myself in a fight. And besides it fell out of a crate a carriage was carrying.”
Slightly vexed that Culain’s bad habits haven’t changed in four years Synn tried to focus on the present.
“Do you have any more information about the Garleans?”
Culain gave a wry smile.
“Well I was going to but you showed up and prevented that.”
Synn replied in the same manner.
“Well if I wasn’t stuck at the orphanage for four years than maybe we could’ve worked something out by now.”
“Shut up and eat.”
“You want me to eat your cooking? I’m disappointed in you Culain, I thought you would know by now that your cooking kills.”
“Alright that’s it. Aidan get him!”
At Culain’s command the chocobo now revealed to be named Aidan began to ferociously peck at Synn.
“Ack alright, alright I’ll eat call him off already!”
As the two of them ate Culain held a smug expression while Synn nervously watched Aidan pace around the room eyeing him.
“Alright I’ll go and see if I can find anything about our Garlean friends you hold the fort here. After last night it looks like you won’t be able to walk around without drawing attention for a while. If anyone asks I’m out buying materials. Oh and I do expect you to actually work while I’m gone so if anyone wants a sword, an axe or whatever you sell it to them. And to be on the safe side I should probably teach you a few things about making weapons.”
Synn agreed that this was the only move they could make for the time being and learning how to make weapons would prove useful in the future. Culain left to investigate the Garleans whereabouts leaving Synn and Aidan in the store. Since it was still early in the morning no one came into the store leaving Synn’s thoughts to flood his head. These thoughts ranged from selling items to others to the Garleans, to Culain’s life after to The Calamity, back to the Garleans, and eventually to the abnormal behavior of Aidan.
While Synn was young he had a natural affinity with chocobos and having Aidan act aggressively towards him was quite perplexing. Slowly inching his hand closer to it he tried to pet Aidan only to quickly draw it back after it snapped at him. With increasing frustration Synn tried offering it scraps of food but this too ended in failure.
Once his first customers came in he abandoned his attempts at trying to win Aidan over and sell whatever they wanted. Synn slightly envied his customers as they were no doubt adventurers themselves and were on their way towards Ul’dah to join the Adventurers guild. The thought of catching Garleans nearby though helped him deal with his new cage.
After selling several axes, two swords and a dagger to Roegadyns, Hyurs, and a Miqo’te respectively the store was relatively quiet.
In the silence Synn and Aidan had an intense staring contest to determine who would be the alpha during Synn’s stay.
Suddenly the door leading into the opened and a voice of a girl about the same age as Synn called out.
“Culain I’m here now are you ready?”
Synn guessed that this girl was a local of the town that knew Culain. He tried to explain the situation as Culain instructed him to do so but before he even opened his mouth to speak the girl’s eyes lit up fiercely, drew a blade she had at her waist and started to attack. Evading her attack Synn expected the worse and ran out of the store in order to make sure he wouldn’t increase the debt he owed. Turning around he tried to calm the girl.
“Whoa wait hold on I’m a friend of Culain’s put the sword away and we can work out the misunderstanding.”
The girl stayed silent and continued her assault.
Without even thinking Synn pulled out his sword, something he would regret very soon.
‘For the love of… how could I forget that this was broken!?’
Even though his sword was broken he was committed to fight the girl even if he had to use his bare hands. This however quickly changed as that small yellow monster now joined the fray. Synn absolutely hated doing this but with the fight unfolding like this he didn’t really have a choice.
He began to run away in search Culain.
“Culain! Culain! Where in the seven hells are you!?”
Running throughout the town Synn desperately sought Culain to sort out the situation he was in. Every time he would look back he would only see the girl and calm down a little but then then that small yellow monster would appear right behind her making Synn increase his speed.
‘Damnit what’s that damn bird’s problem?! If that wasn’t around I would have already dealt with the girl. Argh!’
Synn’s search for Culain ended as he found him coming out of the inn. He stopped running and slid about five meters along the dirt road until he stopped. While angrily accusing Culain of knowing this would happen Synn quickly hid behind him.
“You bastard you knew this would happen and yet you didn’t say anything about it! You got me into this mess so you get me out!”
Seeing both the girl and Duke running towards them with Synn cowering behind him Culain couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit.
“Really Synn? You running away from a girl and a little chocobo? Now I’m the one disappointed ha-ha!”
“My sword is still broken and I didn’t expect some random girl to attack me, now shut up and fix this already!”
With a light chuckle Culain raised his hand making both Aidan and the girl slow to a stop in front of him. Still carrying that fierce atmosphere the girl finally spoke.
“Culain that man is a thief move out of the way so I can deal with him.”
“Easy now Cara this kid isn’t what you think. He’s the son of two old friends of mine you can trust him.”
The girl now revealed to be named Cara hesitated for a second but thankfully put her sword away. Looking at Synn she apologized earnestly.
“Please forgive me. I mistook you for a rotten thief and never would have guessed you were a friend of Culain’s.”
Synn’s reply could be said to be overly blunt but he believed that being straightforward was better than beating around the bush.
“Well you were the one who attacked me without a word and hardly gave me the chance to explain anything.”
With her eyes downcast and blushing slightly she apologized again.
Synn was a little conflicted, he meant what he said but the look Cara had was one of a child who became ashamed of disappointing her parents. Since she knew Culain and he would be staying here for a while he tried to cheer her up.
“Alright as long as you’ve learned your lesson and since nothing drastic has happened there’s no need to be upset anymore. Anyway let’s start over; my name is Synn Heolstor nice to meet you.”
With a smile Synn stretched out his hand and Cara shook it readily.
“Cara Aleena, it’s a pleasure to meet you Synn.”
Culain off to the side had his signature smug look on his face. Synn threw him a questioning glance. Without meeting Synn’s gaze Culain led everyone back to the store. While walking back to the store Synn and Cara casually chatted with Culain adding in his two scents every now and then.
“So Synn how long have you known Culain? He’s never really talked about you at all.”
“Really? Well I’ve known him almost all my life we used to travel all over Eorzea together.”
“That sounds like fun.”
“It was.”
“What stopped you two from adventuring?”
“Why aren’t you two off on an adventure now?”
“Well… the war with the Garleans separated us due to circumstances and following the Calamity and the death of my parents, we kind of went our separate ways for a while and… let’s leave it at that for now.”
“Oh… okay.”
Cara was quick to change the subject something both Synn and Culain were grateful for.
“So what are your plans now?”
Synn didn’t hesitate for a second.
“After I’ve settled my debt here I’ll be headed towards Ul’dah and join the Adventurers guild. Hey Culain how about you join me?”
“Hmm oh well I’m not suited for going on adventures anymore. I’m old and my leg isn’t what it used to be. I suppose I’ll teach you a few things then see you off.”
“Oh, I see.”
Synn was disappointed that Culain wasn’t going to be joining him, he had hoped that now things would go back to the way things used to be though only slightly but he understood why he wouldn’t.
After this the trio plus Aidan walked in silence. If not for Cara Synn and Culain who were reminiscing about the past would have walked past the store without even noticing.
“Ah hey were here you two.”
“So we are right then are you ready for today’s lesson Cara?”
Puzzled Synn inquired about what was happening.
“That’s right Cara here has been my apprentice for a few weeks now.  Why don’t you pick up a hammer and we’ll see if you can learn just as well as her.”
Synn was surprised yet again by Cara not only held a similar mentality regarding criminals she also took an interest in Blacksmithing. After weeks of being surrounded by pompous noble women this was quite the refreshing change.
Listening to Culain’s lesson, observation, and mirroring the movements of Cara, Synn quickly learned the basics of being a Blacksmith. With both Synn and Cara having made a total of ten bronze daggers the lesson was complete and it was time for Cara to head home.  After the trio said their goodbyes Culain waited for Cara to be out of earshot and spoke to Synn.
“Catch up to her and walk her home.”
“Isn’t it a little late for that? We already said goodbye.”
“Just do it!”
“You’re planning something aren’t you?”
Synn could see a bead of sweat forming on Culain’s face which then lit up with a smile.
“If you don’t walk her home then we won’t be discussing the Garleans whereabouts.”
“What?! Now hold on for a minute don’t be ridic-!”
Cutting Synn off Culain entered the store with Aidan and firmly barricaded every entrance a stubborn Hyur could enter.
‘That bastard really is up to something.’
He could force his way into the store and eventually make Culain talk but that would draw much unnecessary attention and considering the work needed to make that work the tradeoff wasn’t worth it.
With a sigh Synn caught up with Cara.
“Wait up I’ll walk you home.”
Cara smiled a bit but her face looked a little disappointed.
“That’s kind of you to offer but there’s no need. I can take care of myself.”
“Yeah I figured as much but Culain locked my out of the store and won’t let me back in until I walk you home so yeah here I am.”
“It sounds like he’s up to something.”
“Yeah and I have no idea what that ‘something’ is and if that ‘something’ ends up being nothing more than him poking fun, there’ll be hell to pay.”
She chuckled a little and smiled brightly the disappointment gone.
“Ha-ha I’m sure he means well go easy on him okay?”
Synn felt his heart skip beat.
For Synn such a thing as this was a first and it absolutely had him in a daze of confusion. His thoughts spread like wildfire to come to a conclusion as to why it happened. He spent so much time lost in thought that Cara began to look worried. Noticing this Synn answered her previous question still in his confused daze.
For a while as Synn and Cara walked towards their destination there was only silence: mostly due to the fact that Synn’s thoughts were still racing. Then Synn’s thoughts became focused on Cara and he guessed that she was the cause. And to prove this he began to once again converse with her.
“So what sparked your interest in Blacksmithing?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Well the girls from where I came from before coming here wouldn’t show any interest in anything other than fashion so general curiosity really.”
“Oh so only guys can be Blacksmiths?”
“What? No I didn’t say that. Come on just answer my question.”
“Heh I was just joking… well let’s see when did I become interested in Blacksmithing?”
Cara stopped walking which made Synn stop as well, she looked at Synn with a smile but this was different. Her eyes held sorrow as she spoke.
“We’re kindred spirits you and I, we’ve both lost important people to us because of The Calamity. And I suppose that’s the reason why I took an interest in Blacksmithing. One day I hope to make a strong weapon and use it to protect the people I have left after the Calamity.”
Synn felt a sharp pain in his chest after seeing Cara’s sad eyes. It was as if someone had taken a dagger and plunged it into his heart.  And again his thoughts began to race.
Seeing Synn remain silent Cara continued.
“It may be sad but I’m sure the people we’ve lost wouldn’t want us to wallow in sorrow so we must do all we can to make sure something like that won’t happen again right?”
And just like that Cara became Synn’s first friend in four years.
After a bit more walking they arrived at their destination said their farewells again and parted. Synn returned to the store with a smile. Once Culain saw Synn returning he immediately asked him for the details.
“So… how’d it go?”
Synn was annoyed.
“How’d what go?”
“You know walking Cara home you fool!”
Even more annoyed Synn kicked at Culain as he got straight to the point.
“Did you find anything?”
Clutching his stomach and shin after receiving Synn’s kicks, Culain responded.
“Nothing but like I said I found the gun barrel after it fell out of a crate a carriage was carrying. So I’m guessing that the Garleans are using carriages to smuggle stuff into town.”
“That’s our only lead huh?”
“Yeah it isn’t much but it’s all we got. I’ll have a friend of mine in town keep an eye out and inform us of when a carriage enters town, we’ll discreetly take a peek at what its carrying and follow it just to be safe.”
With a yawn Synn agreed.
“Alright sounds good hopefully we won’t have to wait long.”
Once the exchange of information was finished they both went to sleep.
Several weeks passed in this manner with Synn asking around the town for any rumors of Dark Knights, following carriages with Culain in the hope of uncovering a trace of Garlean activity only to come up empty handed on both endeavors. In this time Synn and Cara’s skills in Blacksmithing increased at the same rate, Culain repaired Synn’s sword through the help of Cara, and the next day Synn met Cara’s Aunt and Uncle named Lelia Hall and Grindan Hall respectively. During this meeting for seemingly no reason at all Aidan ruthlessly pecked at Synn and wouldn’t stop until both Lelia and Grindan left.  But because of this incident, with the help of Cara, Synn was able to calm the aggressive behavior of Aidan. Because of these events, Synn and Cara’s friendship deepened.
Despite the looming threat of whatever the Garleans have planned Synn’s time with Culain and Cara was quite peaceful. But Synn just couldn’t feel content with this, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. Beneath the surface of his calm exterior there was a growing irritation he couldn’t quell like an itch he wasn’t able to scratch.
One day like any other Cara was out getting materials needed for the store only she was taking longer than usual. Not expecting much but still worried Synn set out to look for her. After checking the general store where she would pick up the materials he wandered around town asking people for her location. Using the information he gathered from the towns’ people he rushed towards the edge of the town. There in an alley he found her with her cloths torn and her bare chest exposed and a man standing over her.
Fully aware of what was happening Synn unsheathed his sword and rushed over. Swiftly grabbing the man by the wrist and twisting it behind his back he pinned him to the wall. Enraged the man shot threats at Synn. Synn only smiled sinisterly and proceeded to slowly stab him in the shoulder. The man continued his barrage of threats but Synn wasn’t listening as he continued to slowly plunge his sword deeper and began to twist it.
Now weak from blood loss the man was now begging for mercy. With a chuckle Synn replied.
“Mercy? Like you would have shown her mercy if I didn’t show up? No there is no mercy for you; people like you only deserve to suffer!”
Synn was completely focused on the man as he repeatedly stabbed his sword into him and slowly twisted it making sure not to hit any vitals. He completely ignored the fact that Cara was watching him wordlessly as he felt the everyday irritation he felt leave him. Synn continued until he felt strength leaving the man. Seeing as he wouldn’t last any longer Synn finally ended his life by stabbing him through the nape and out his throat. 
Synn stood still for a while, his sword still bloodied, and he was reveling in what he did to the man while he was still alive. Then as if celebrating that he began to laugh uncontrollably and wouldn’t stop until Cara’s voice brought him back to his senses.
“Synn… a-are you okay?”
Turning to face her Synn realized that her chest was still exposed and immediately turned the opposite direction with his face a deep red.
“C-c-c-cover yourself up. I’ll take you to your Aunt and Uncle when you’re ready.”
While waiting for Cara to cover up Synn cleaned his sword and gathered the materials Cara was to bring to the store. After a bit of waiting Cara voiced a problem.
“I don’t think I can move. I sprained my ankle whil-“
Not letting her finish Synn offered to carry her.
“Don’t worry I’ll carry you.”
“But what about the materials for the-“
“Not important right now, so just get on and we’ll go.”
Feeling Cara’s body press against his back, her arms reaching over his shoulders and grabbing hold of her legs to make sure she wouldn’t fall sent an oddly pleasing sensation through Synn and he was slightly enjoying it but still aware of what she went through he hurried towards her house where her Aunt and Uncle should be.
On the way to Cara’s house Synn was the center of attention of various people as he carried Cara throughout the town which from their perspective Synn and Cara appeared to be a young couple enjoying a pleasant evening. So much so that they gave Synn approving nods and numerous cheers, but Synn neither heard nor saw any of them. He was once again lost in thought but this time his thoughts were focused on Cara and what she must be feeling after what she went through not to mention what she thought of what he did to the man. He was sure that was on her mind but he was clueless how to comfort her. As though she could feel that he was troubled Cara said something that would greatly affect him.
“It’s not how I envisioned someone saving me… but you still saved me… so thank you Synn.”
Synn stopped in his tracks stunned. He didn’t expect for her to thank him after seeing what he did. This was an abnormal response to him, abnormal… but also heartwarming.
Cara’s arms tightened around Synn’s neck and he felt his heart beat rapidly.
“Whenever you need me… I’ll be there…”
A vow to always help one whom he cared for, Synn declared it without hesitating and continued walking.
Once they arrived at their destination they found Lelia, Grindan, and strangely Culain conversing on the porch. Seeing Synn carrying Cara they gave him questioning glances, Synn brushed these aside by explaining what happened. Now with worried expressions Lelia and Grindan took Cara from Synn to treat her wounds, leaving Synn and Culain outside. Culain then opened his mouth to speak but Synn held up his hand and stopped him.
“Frist what about the gun Barrel?”
“I brought it with me, figured it would be safer this way.”
“Ok sounds good. I’ll be back.”
With that Synn turned around and sped off back into town. He ran towards where he had killed the man and where the materials for the store were left behind. If those were discovered along with the body there would undoubtedly questions floating around town why they were there, leading to accusations of murder which were false but hard to disapprove should that happen.
Quickly retrieving the materials and placing them within the store Synn hurried back to Cara’s house. There he was welcomed as a hero by both Grindan and Culain who had both started drinking. Culain eagerly handed Synn a cup of juice.
“Ah the hero returns. Come sit and have a drink!”
After retrieving the materials and running back to Cara’s house he was parched. Synn sat down and wasted no time and emptied the cup he was handed. Refilling his cup Grindan joined Culain in praising Synn for his noble deed.
“It was quite fortunate that you looked for Cara when you did. If not for you she wouldn’t be with us now. I’m truly grateful to you Synn.”
As Grindan spoke he began to tear up considerably. In response to this Culain placed his hand on Grindan’s shoulder. Synn replied as if it was natural.
“I only did what was the right thing to do.”
Because of this he received even more praise from the two. Synn listened pleasantly to their praises, it wasn’t often someone like him was praised so he enjoyed every minute of it.
When they inquired of the details of the rescue Synn gave them a simple answer which was just the bare minimum of what happened. If he had disclosed what he did to the man they wouldn’t praise him so highly. Culain might understand but he was unsure of what Grindan would think so he kept silent about it, but the fact that Cara saw what he did and could reveal it made him a little uneasy.
If she revealed what she saw and people saw him as a possible threat then he would endure the consequences like he always has, but if she kept it to herself then things would stay the same. Synn hoped for the later.
His belief of what he did was right even though it was much more extreme than usual wouldn’t change but still he earnestly hoped things would stay the same.
After a while of idle chatter between the trio they were joined by Leila and a slightly bandaged Cara in a different set of clothing. Once they both sat down another wave of praise was sent Synn’s way. Once theses praises subsided he thought it was time to leave, but just before he tried to get up Grindan offered a suggestion.
“I’m sure that you are aware that Cara is an able fighter but after today it appears that her skills that her skills are insufficient. Would you mind teaching her what you know about fighting?”
“Sure I don’t mind.”
After agreeing to teach Cara what he knew about fighting he could see Culain smile broadly. Synn threw him a questioning glance but Culain only averted his eyes and continued to smile. Culain aside, Synn thought that was the end of the conversation and again tried to get up but Grindan continued.
“Also Cara has a request for you.”
“What is it?”
At Synn’s question Cara spoke.
“Can you sleep her for a few days?”
To say that Synn was perplexed by this situation would be an understatement.
“Can you explain why you want me to sleep here?”
 “My Aunt and Uncle have to leave town for a few days to pick up supplies for the farm and I…I don’t want to be alone.”
‘So that’s the reason huh? It’s understandable after what she went through….’
Synn smiled.
“Didn’t I tell you already? Whenever you need me, I’ll be there.”
After hearing this everyone was in an uproar giving Synn even more praise which mostly came from Culain while Cara sat silently with her face a deep red.
After a bit more chatter from the group they parted leaving Synn and Cara alone.
Synn felt somewhat uncomfortable entering Cara’s house with just the two of them there but he already promised to stay so he would just tough it out.  Unsure of where he would be sleeping Synn assumed Cara would help in that matter and waited for her to explain but then a thought popped into his head.
“That’s right we haven’t eaten dinner yet should I get Culain to cook something?”
Cara looked at him and shook her head.
“There’s no need for that. I can cook well enough to feed two people.”
“Yes and as thanks for staying here I’ll cook whatever you want. So what would you like to eat to tonight?”
“Hmmm how about something spicy?”
“Ok! I’ll get started right away please wait patiently while I prepare our meal.”
Cara was beaming with a bright smile as she started to cook. Synn didn’t know why but every time he saw Cara’s smile he felt his heart beat faster. It was undoubtedly strange to him but as the days passed he got used to it. While watching Cara go about her work a bittersweet thought crossed his mind.
‘This is almost like eating with my parents…’
“It’s done!”
Cara had finished cooking and was now candidly placing two plates with food on the table. Taking a seat at the table Synn saw Cara staring at him expectantly in the chair opposite of him.
“Nothing just hurry up and eat!”
He didn’t know what all the fuss was about, but since he didn’t see anything unusual about the food before him, he didn’t put much thought into it. He took one bite out of the meal and then hurriedly ate the rest as though he was starved for a week.
“Whew… I havent eaten food that good in years.”
“Isn’t that exaggerating a bit too much?”
“Yeah well you haven’t tried Culain’s cooking. I had forgotten that food could taste this good. You know… forgive me for being selfish but would you mind cooking for me even after you Aunt and Uncle return?”
“Not at all. in fact I would be happy to do so for you.”
Cara smiled warmly and blushed slightly, Synn smiled himself but his smile was for a very different reason.
‘Yes! Now I won’t have to eat Culain’s bland cooking anymore!’
Since he finished eating before Cara could even start he started a casual conversation with her as she ate until the moon could be seen high in the night sky. At this time Synn asked the question that was on his mind the moment he entered the farm house.
“So I’m assuming I’ll be sleeping in your Aunt and Uncle’s room during my stay here?”
Cara gave Synn a look that said she didn’t have a clue what he was talking about.
“No you’ll be sleeping in my room with me.”
Synn’s head hit the table with a loud thud. This situation was unbelievably incomprehensible to him and with his head still on the table he tried to make sense of what was going on.
“Because you already promised to sleep here.”
“I know but I still don’t see why it’s necessary for me to sleep in the same room as you.”
“Idiot I told you already. I don’t want to be alone.”
“You aren’t alone; we’re in the same building isn’t that enough?”
Synn guessed that Cara was worried that something was going to happen and wanted him near to aid her when it happened. It made sense in his head that she was thinking this way after today, but he was in her immediate vicinity and quite confident in his abilities so he was sure he could come to her aid relatively quickly should something actually happen. He was about to tell her of his thoughts but then he heard someone sobbing.
He kept his head on the table and decided to wait it out.
‘She’s faking it….’
Synn admitted that any girl who went through what Cara did would without a doubt be shaken up quite a bit. He knew this but Cara was a strong girl and he himself was there to -in his own way- comfort her, so he had hoped that with him just being near would be all she needed to get over it. But as the sound of her sobbing he began to get progressively louder he started to have second thoughts.
‘Shit… maybe today affected her more than I thought….’
Synn tilted his head to sneak a peek; the end result was a feeling that someone had shot multiple arrows through his heart and then proceeded to pull them through their respective holes. The sight of Cara crying pained his heart immensely. His head quickly shot up and he immediately apologized and agreed to sleep in her room.
“Alright I’m sorry okay. I’ll sleep in your room during my stay here so please stop crying.”
As though she was ill and Synn’s words were the appropriate medicine for her illness she immediately sprang up and happily cheered.
Cara cheerily finished her food and took care of the dishes. Synn could do nothing but smile, on the inside however he was furious.
‘She was faking it!’
Without much of a fight Synn had lost to Cara’s feminine wiles. If Synn had a weakness it would most likely be women whom he associated with closely.
After Cara had finished with the dishes he reluctantly followed her to her room. Closing the door behind him Synn found a corner the farthest from the bed and promptly sat there with no intention to move until morning. Before getting completely settled Cara noticed Synn sitting in the corner.
“Synn what are you doing?”
“Wouldn’t you want to do that on a bed?”
“Then wouldn’t you like to lay down on my bed with me?”
At a young age through the guidance of Culain, Synn became aware of several stages of courtship of the opposite sex. The first stage was becoming acquaintances which through repeated meetings and conversations led to the next stage friendship. The next stage involved several romantic experiences which would make friends into a couple. If everything proceeded in this manner and any problems were resolved swiftly the couple would eventually hit the marriage stage. Despite his young age Culain informed him of the last stage which involved sexual interaction between the now married couple. And having taught Synn something he shouldn’t have any knowledge of until he grew older Culain suffered a harsh punishment from Synn’s parents and his own wife as well.
With this memory playing in his head it appeared to him that he had skipped several stages and landed right on the last stage as Cara was inviting him to sleep on the same bed, which may have had different intentions then what he thought but he was too nervous to come to that conclusion.
Cara frowned at Synn.
“Won’t you be cold down there?”
“Maybe a little but I’ll be fine. I’ve slept in colder places before so don’t worry.”
Cara held her gaze on Synn for a while then suddenly picked up the blanket covering her bed and walked over to where Synn sat. Before he could ask her what she was doing she sat down next to him and wrapped the blanket around him along with herself.
“I don’t really get why you don’t want to sleep on the bed but there shouldn’t be a problem if I do this right?”
Without even knowing why Synn refused to sleep on the bed she resolved the issue easily which made him relax considerably.
Wrapped in a thick blanket with Cara’s head resting on his shoulder Synn fell asleep peacefully.
When morning came Synn was the first one awake. With silent steps he crept out of the room and swiftly returned with an inkpot. Returning to the sleeping Cara Synn set down the inkpot next to him and took out a quill pen along with his journal.  Flipping through its pages he found a blank page, dipped the pen into the inkpot, and began to write. While he remained in town repaying his debt, other than his plans for revenge and the current threat of nearby Garleans Synn hadn’t written about much as they were hardly any events that he considered worth mentioning. This changed as his friendship with Cara developed more.
 Lately she was the main topic in every journal entry he added, even today he was writing about her. He wrote about how he saved her, how he promised to help her, and how he felt at peace when she was around.
As long as he was with her his thoughts of revenge all but dissolved.
Pausing for a moment Synn looked at Cara as she stirred in her sleep and smiled. And as though she felt his gaze on her she woke up which made Synn hastily put away the pen and journal. Although she was the topic of today’s entry he found sharing that information rather embarrassing. This action intrigued Cara.
“Hey don’t put it away before telling me what you’ve been writing about.”
“I…it’s nothing important. Don’t worry about it.”
Cara’s face held a dubious expression.
“If it’s nothing important then you won’t mind if I read it then.”
As she said this Cara reached over Synn to grab the journal which made Synn franticly get up and move out of her reach. Because of this Cara now had a determined look as she steadily rose and challenged Synn as though she had a right to.
“You liar, you have been writing about something important. Now give it here I want to read what you’ve been writing.”
“Even if you say you want to read it you can’t honestly expect me to just hand it over.”
“I do because this is the first time you’ve lied to me since we’ve met so it must be something I should know about.”
Synn found arguing against that reasoning rather difficult and even mentioning that the journal was a precious memento of his father didn’t discourage Cara from her intended course of action. Amid constant refusals and frantic attempts of keeping the journal out of reach Synn came up with a solution.
“Wait I have a suggestion.”
“No matter what you say I still want to read that journal.”
“Just hear me out.”
“I’m listening.”
Despite saying that Cara still looked like she was ready to pounce at any moment.
“If you can beat me in a mock fight then I’ll let you read what’s written in here.”
“But you’re supposed to be teaching me how to fight more effectively. Isn’t that a little unfair?”
Synn smiled mischievously.
“Ah but that is the first lesson every fight isn’t always fair. An animal and plenty of thieves and other miscreants will do whatever it takes to win. It’s only fair to fight in the same manner; it all comes down to survival in the end.”
Cara seemed reluctant but she accepted Synn’s proposal.
“Alright fine I’ll do it and before you know it I’ll be reading that journal while you’re flat on the floor.”
“Very well I look forward to it.”
After that hectic exchange Synn and Cara ate breakfast and left the farm house.
Once they were a suitable distance from the farm house and any curious on lookers both Synn and Cara found a fallen branch to use during their mock fight. As the fight progressed and Cara was using what he had taught her Synn found himself on the defensive numerous times. Because he was the one teaching her however she wasn’t able to land any hits.
Much like the time he was sharing a meal with Cara, Synn felt rather nostalgic during their mock fight where Cara was getting progressively better forcing Synn to go on the defensive more. It was as though his parents were having a mock fight of their own and switched places with Synn and Cara.
In the end Synn didn’t go easy on Cara and had ended the mock battle with a win to lose ratio of eight to zero.
Two days passed with Synn and Cara having mock fights before heading to the store to practice their Blacksmithing skills and occasionally selling weapons to travelers. The third day however was much different.
In the midst of his third mock fight with Cara, Synn who was backed into a corner noticed smoke rising over the horizon.
“Cara wait something’s wrong.”
“I’m not falling for that again!”
Cara ignored Synn’s words as she was tricked by him like this before and now had him backed him in a corner and wasn’t about to let this chance go. Synn however wasn’t tricking her this time because now there was actually a serious issue at hand. Parrying Cara’s oncoming attack Synn grabbed her by the right shoulder with his free hand and spun her around, then to prevent her from falling he caught her left shoulder.
“There you see I’m not tricking you this time. Now come on we need to see what’s going on.”
Cara nodded then she discarded the tree branch she was using during the mock fight, recovered her sword where she left it along with Synn’s. Once they both had their swords they sped off in the direction of the smoke.
 As they both arrived at the town the source of the column of smoke was known. A single building was set ablaze with several towns’ people gathered; most were combatting the fire with buckets of water while a few were standing over a woman along with a man lying on the floor motionless in a pool of blood.
The man and the women both Hyur were a married couple with a daughter, but although her husband was dead she was seemingly unconcerned. Instead of mourning the loss of her husband she was pleading for anyone to find someone.
Those that heard her request left immediately.
When Synn came close enough for her to hear he spoke.
“What happened here?”
The women looked at Synn with a face full of worry and spoke.
“A man whom my husband put behind bars when he was one of the Sultansworn escaped from prison and I don’t know how or why but he found us and now he has killed my husband and kidnapped our daughter.”
While the women was in tears Synn looked over at Cara who nodded and left in search of the women’s daughter. Synn - after leaving the women in the care of one of the towns’ people fighting the fire- did the same.
Surprisingly with a little luck and perseverance Synn found the women’s daughter along with her kidnapper.
Since he was running sneaking up to him would not be possible but since he was the only one to find him Synn couldn’t leave and get help. Seeing no other alternative Synn rushed to catch up to the kidnapper with his sword drawn. And as expected the kidnapper heard Synn approach turning around he held the girl between himself and Synn his blade at her throat.
“You take one more step closer and she’s dead.”
Synn didn’t respond. He took a step forward; the kidnapper in response took a step back.
“I-I’m serious you come any closer and she will die!”
Again Synn didn’t respond, instead he surveyed the area and took another step forward.
‘Still no one else in the area…looks like I’ll have to do this myself…’
With his left hand at his side he began to form a shard of ice. The shard needed to be large enough so that it could knock the blade the kidnapper had out of his hands but small enough so that he wouldn’t realize that Synn was up to something. Something like that takes time to prepare so Synn finally spoke to keep the kidnapper close.
“Why don’t you let the girl go?”
“I don’t think so. I let this girl go then there’s nothing stopping you from turning me in.”
“You’re wrong on two points.”
“One I have no intention of turning you in and two even though you have the girl there’s nothing stopping me from killing you.”
“You’re bluffing.”
Synn smiled wickedly.
“If you really think so then why don’t you ask my friend if I’m bluffing? Ah there she is now, look she’s behind you.”
Once the kidnapper’s head turned to look Synn immediately threw the ice shard at his wrist. And with a successful hit it lodged itself into his wrist causing him to let go of his dagger. His left hand now free it found its way towards the kidnapper’s skull and forced it to the ground.
Although Synn was bluffing at first Cara had appeared right as the kidnapper was turning around and she was now with the girl after Synn forced the kidnapper to the ground.
“Take her to her mother. I’ll deal with this guy.”
Cara quickly complied and took the girl to her mother leaving Synn to deal with the kidnapper.
After he had finished dealing with the kidnapper he returned to the town and once arriving he received a hero’s welcome.
Just about everyone excluding the Brass Blades and Cara was praising him and like before he enjoyed it.
Cara’s face showed concern and she wanted to speak but Synn was surrounded by a large crowd preventing her from getting close. Culain was also there and after a few words by him the crowd dispersed and returned to their respective houses or stores including Synn, Culain and Cara. Since looking for the girl took most of the day Synn and Cara’s time at the store was brief and now that they were alone in the farm house, Cara had a now chance to speak with Synn.
“Synn can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“That day you saved me…. And today… you…you…you tortured those two criminals!”
“So?! That’s all you have to say?! Don’t get me wrong I understand that they deserved punishment but to torture them like that… Wouldn’t killing them be punishment enough?”
Synn looked away from Cara and considered what she had said. It was true that killing them would be punishment enough and he had done so to others in the past. But ever since he was confined to the Teyrnon manor and now Culain’s store he felt a lingering irritation he couldn’t get rid of. This was always accompanied by the frustration that while he was imprisoned in a cage the Garleans responsible for his parents’ death were alive and well. During the time he had tortured those two he envisioned them as Garleans and had felt the irritation and frustration leave him.
Although they weren’t really Garleans seeing them as such and torturing them helped deal with the stress those feelings created.
Synn told Cara the partial truth.
“I guess I’ve been doing that to relieve stress.”
“What do you mean you’ve been doing that to relieve stress? There are other ways to relieve stress you know!”
“That’s just it though I’ve tried relieving the stress other ways but it won’t go away.”
Cara let out a heavy sigh.
“And what exactly has been causing you to be so stressed that you need to torture criminals in order to relieve it?”
“Well… honestly being stuck here in this town has been a big source of stress.”
Cara looked like she was hurt.
“A-are …you serious…?”
“Of course. When I was young I used to travel all over but since being stuck here I haven’t been able to do that. It’s all been very frustrating.”
“So you’ve been stressed because you can’t leave?”
“Well yes bu-ugh!”
Before letting Synn finish Cara quickly punched him in the stomach, called him a jerk, and locked him out of her room.
Synn knelt on the ground clutching his stomach and sighed. It was obvious that he upset her but since she had locked him out of her room and wouldn’t respond when he called out to her there was nothing he could do for the time being.
With a twinge of guilt Synn resigned himself to sleep outside.
After a few hours of being unable to sleep comfortably, Synn was just about to fall asleep but then he felt some one shake him vigorously. Drowsy from the lack of sleep he could barely make out Cara’s concerned yet also tired face. Synn opened his mouth to speak but Cara spoke first.
“Before I hit you… what were you going to say?”
Synn yawned repeatedly while answering her.
“Recently after spending time with you I’ve been feeling less stressed from staying here.”
At that moment Cara’s face took on a red hue and any trace of being tired was hidden.
“Yeah. The more time I spend with you the more it feels like I’m with my parents. So being stuck here isn’t so bad.”
Synn spoke without restraint, sure maybe it was embarrassing and maybe his face also had the same red hue as Cara but he was too tired to care about that. Right now all he wanted was sleep. He would deal with the outcome of saying such embarrassing things later.
As Synn finished speaking both him and Cara let out a yawn and returned back inside. Once back in the room Cara sat down in the corner she usually slept at with Synn and waited for him to do the same, but this time he did something very different. Without thinking Synn walked over to the bed, fell into it, and instantly fell asleep.
Late in the afternoon Synn woke up to find himself and Cara in her bed. Although he ended up in her bed he was sure he didn’t do anything other than sleep, he however couldn’t speak on the account of Cara doing the same. This thought made him a little uneasy but he found no signs to indicate anything. The only thing he was sure of concerning Cara was that she slept rather close to him with her back facing him.
It was pretty comfortable lying in a bed for once especially with Cara next to him, but he couldn’t stay there all day. He removed the blanket on top of him and slowly sat up on the edge of the bed. Before he stood up though he felt Cara grab hold of his shirt and wouldn’t let go. Her voice rang in his ear filled with confidence.
“I would like to add on to our agreement about your journal.”
“What did you have in mind?”
“If I can beat you in a mock fight just once you’ll not only let me read your journal, but you will also never torture anyone ever again.”
Synn was silent for a moment.
When he had saved Cara and tortured a man without mercy before her very eyes she never openly said what she thought of what he did. Because of this Synn didn’t think much of the matter but after last night it was now clear how she felt about what he did twice now. It had caused her great agony to see him become something different, something that was no longer an enforcer of true justice. He became a monster that killed and tortured merely because it enjoyed doing so.
Much like how he didn’t want to see his parents upset he also didn’t want to see Cara upset and because of this he accepted Cara’s terms.
Having slept until late in the afternoon Synn and Cara left the farm house and headed for Culain’s store. As usual Cara was greeted warmly while Synn was welcomed with a smug smirk which undoubtedly had something to say. Ignoring that, Synn went to work immediately making weapons while Cara and Culain handled selling them. Between finished weapons Synn’s eyes found its way towards the ceiling which was partially destroyed when he arrived at this town.
The repairs were already finished all that was left was to pay the remaining amount of money he owed. Half of the money was covered by the money he stole from Cyril and the rest were being slowly accumulated as the days went on. Synn estimated that the funds would be covered in two days give or take.
As business gradually slowed Culain – just as Synn expected - came to speak what was behind that smug grin of his.
“Sooooooooooo… You two came here a lot latter than usual. Is there something I should be aware of Synn?”
Synn knew perfectly well what Culain was insinuating and he would have none of it.
“Did you have any news of the Garleans or are you just here to fool around?”
Synn expected Culain to continue joking around but his words were much more serious than he expected.
“Synn, I know having justice for your parents death is important to you, but have you thought about what you’ll do after you’ve gone through with it?”
“You know the answer to that Culain.”
Culain frowned.
“That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about if you put any thought into who you’ll spend the rest of your life with.”
Contrary to what Culain thought Synn actually did put some thought into who he was going to spend his life with. It was Cara; the thought struck him after their conversation at the farm house and he had spent the entire walk towards the store mulling over how he would ask her to accompany him when he left the town, how he would tell her of his plans for revenge, and most importantly -when the right time permitted itself- how he would ask her to marry him.
Synn judged that with more time and effort that becoming a couple wouldn’t be a problem but he was unsure of how she would react to everything else.
Without knowing what Synn was thinking Culain continued.
“Well what about Cara? I’ve noticed you two becoming close for a few days now. Don’t you think it would be nice for that to continue and even move beyond being friends?”
“Hmm there is a slight problem however. Does she know of your plans for revenge?”
“No, but after getting to know her better it appears that she shares our beliefs. She also lost her parents because of the Calamity so maybe she’ll understand.”
“Alright that makes it easier, but you should probably wait until we’ve dealt with the Garleans before telling her.”
Although he trusted Cara he knew better to spread secrets as they inevitably slowly trickled down from person to person as each of them told people they trusted.
Culain heaved a sigh of relief and sat down. His eyes wandered around the room which then found its way towards the ceiling.
“You know you sure know how to cause trouble. That damn hole in the roof made the whole store have a chilly draft for weeks and the price to fix it!”
“You don’t have to remind me. I lost every single Gil I had because of it.”
“This could be a serious problem for you know. Who’s to say you won’t make another ceiling collapse?”
“Ha-ha, bite me. After about two moons I won’t have to worry about this ceiling anymore and if I do end up making another ceiling collapse I’ll just make sure to not get caught. Oh and drop the doting parent act, it doesn’t suit you.”
Culain couldn’t help but smirk and reminisce about the similar scenarios he and Synn shared.
“Two days hu…Two days!?”
Culain’s eyes grew wide with a realization.
“Cara, get in here!”
 After hearing Culain’s fierce roar, as though she was a child about to be scolded Cara timidly entered the room.
“When are your Aunt and Uncle coming back?”
“Hmm I can’t really say there’ve been many instances where they we’re gone for several weeks at most.”
“I see. Well looks like it’s up to us then.”
“What’s up to us?”
At Cara’s question Culain smiled broadly and put a hand on Synn’s shoulder.
“In two days it will be this guy’s Nameday.”
Cara’s face immediately held shock.
“T-two days?”
Although he couldn’t understand why the mere mention of his Nameday being in two days made Cara nervous Synn chimed in.
“Culain, I know we haven’t celebrated my Nameday for four years now, but let’s not go overboard.”
These words were meant to calm the excited Culain but much to Synn’s dismay they only made him much more excited.
“What are you talking about?! This is your eighteenth Nameday! The day you’ll officially become a man! We must go over-“
As Culain spoke he paced around the room but suddenly stopped speaking once he saw Cara.
A devilish grin spread across Culain’s face. Cara couldn’t help but to question him.
“What are you thinking?”
Culain said nothing to her; instead he turned around swiftly and placed both of his hands on Synn’s shoulders.
“Very well I won’t go overboard… but after we at least eat a cake here you’ll spend the rest of the day with Cara.”
Although Cara turned a bright red and Synn himself also turned red he readily agreed.  If there was any better time to express his intentions what better day to do so then on his Nameday?
And just like that the plans for Synn’s Nameday were settled.
The day Synn’s Nameday arrived he was the first one to wake up. He sat at the edge of the bed and stared at Cara’s sleeping form next to him. He looked down at her with a smile and lightly brushed her hair to the side so he could see her face better she shifted in her sleep but didn’t wake. After this Synn got up slowly and walked over to the mirror in the room and examined what he saw.
With his right hand Synn brought up his index finger and thumb and held his chin. There although only slightly facial hair could be seen. He recalled a memory of his mother examining his face every morning looking for even the tiniest of facial hair just so that she could praise him on how grown up he looked.
Moments later Cara woke up and sat on the bed watching Synn with a smile.
Synn turned around and said the same.
“Morning, did you sleep well?”
“I’ll sleep better after I’ve beaten you today.”
On the day the plans for Synn’s birth day were made, once they were alone Cara adamantly added that they would have a mock fight and now that it was finally his Nameday she had confidently declared that she would win. Synn just smiled warmly.
‘Even if you don’t win, as long as you’re with me I’ll keep that promise.’
“Why are you spacing out for? Come on Culain’s waiting for us let’s go!”
Having no reason to argue Synn followed behind Cara blissfully.
As soon as they met with Culain, Cara took out the cake she had prepared a day before and without delay both Synn and Cara ate with only Culain lagging behind.  The reason for this was because Cara had brought a cake where he wanted to make one himself, but Synn, after eating Cara’s cooking for five days now wouldn’t settle for anything less and adamantly refused to have Culain cook anything for him. Although slightly hurt by not being able to at least make several snacks Culain still celebrated Synn’s birthday with great enthusiasm.  Once the cake was all gone Synn and Cara left and got ready for their last mock fight.
Once they reached where they were having their mock fights Cara hastily picked up her stick and launched a surprise attack at Synn. Due to her doing this in their last two mock fights Synn easily saw it coming and almost without effort side stepped out of the way. And like before Cara was angered by how easily he evaded her surprise attack and launched a follow up attack. Grabbing his own stick he quickly parried then distanced himself from Cara.
Seeing her frustrated face Synn couldn’t help but smile and tease her.
“This is what… the third time now? I keep telling you, you need to be more discreet if you want to surprise me.”
After Synn finished speaking Cara’s began to fill with even more with frustration as she charged at him with reckless abandon.
As time passed the mock fight proceeded as it always has in the past few days, but this time Synn was in the lead by one point only.
Synn readied himself for anything Cara could throw at him, if he could keep that one point lead until the sun sets then he would win once again. Cara’s next attack however made him very anxious.
She started crying.
‘She’s faking it.’
Synn immediately came to that conclusion and distanced himself from Cara, but as he did so Cara started to wail louder.
‘She’s definitely faking it.’
His belief that Cara’s crying was nothing more than a charade meant to make him lower his guard was firm and yet, as Synn looked back at Cara and saw her now on the ground her hands covering her face and continuing to cry even louder, he felt his heart sink.
He could not bear to see Cara so upset any longer and quickly rushed up to comfort her.
“Hey wha-“
Right as Synn drew close Cara sprang up and tackled Synn to the ground. Proving once again that Synn’s weakness was women he closely associated with. Now having the advantage Cara wrestled the stick Synn was using from his hands and threw it away.
Synn and Cara were now tied. This along with the fact that he fell for her trick once again annoyed him immensely. So with a little struggle Synn managed to reverse his position and was now on top of Cara, but she was unwilling to leave it at that and forced her way back to her original position. This went back and forth until the sun had set and both Synn and Cara were out of breath, in the end however Synn managed to end up on top.
Even though he had already won Synn just couldn’t move yet. The reason for that was simple, there on the outskirts of town with only Cara and himself present, Synn found himself completely enamored with her beauty. Synn remained entranced until Cara spoke bringing him back to his senses once again.
“Okay you’ve won. Can you get off of me now?”
Realizing the position he was in Synn awkwardly got off Cara and stood up. Both Synn and Cara’s faces were a deep red even after Synn got off of her and both of them were too embarrassed to speak. After a long silence Synn calmed down and decided that now would be the best time to ask Cara to accompany him.
“Hey… after today would you-“
Synn was cut off by the sound of heavy footsteps accompanied by labored breathing. He looked up and saw Culain running towards him, with Aidan not far behind.  Synn guessed that Culain had been watching and had seen Synn on top of Cara and decided to run up just to say some snide remark about how grown up he’s become, but Culain spoke in a much more dire tone about something much more serious.
“They have it!”
Hearing this Synn immediately went to retrieve his sword.
“What, how did they get it if you were holding it?!”
Culain looked at Cara who remained seated after Synn got off her.
“I’ll explain later for now we need to find them.”
Synn readily agreed but before he could set out with Culain, Cara firmly held on to him and desperately tried to keep him from leaving.
“Synn please don’t go!”
Because of her begging him to stay Synn was conflicted for a moment about what he should do. It appeared as if Cara still didn’t want to be left alone, but the threat of the Garleans couldn’t be ignored plus Synn could also finally make the Garleans pay even if there would only be scouts.
“Cara I have to go this is important.”
Synn would have left at that moment but then Cara started to cry; only this time she wasn’t faking it, real tears were streaming down her face. Seeing her actually crying and pleading for him to stay sent a sharp pain through his chest; He couldn’t just leave her like this. He knelt down so that he and Cara were face to face.  Grasping both of her hands in his Synn stared directly into her eyes and spoke without wavering.
“Listen there is something I want to ask you after me and Culain sort out this problem we’re currently facing.”
Cara was still crying but she started to calm down a bit. Synn rose slowly and let go of Cara’s hands.
“Wait for me.”
With words of a temporary farewell Synn and Culain left in search of where the Garleans were hidden leaving behind Cara weeping silently.
“So now will you tell me how they managed to get it from you even though you had it on you the whole time?”
Synn and Culain were now far from where they had left Cara making now the best time to speak before the eventual confrontation.
“You remember that guy I had inform us of when a carriage would enter town?”
“Well it turns out that bastard is one of them. He came into the store with one of his buddies. At the time I didn’t think much of it because we had become good friends and I thought he was bringing in someone to help us out. After a few drinks I end up on the floor out cold.”
“They drugged you?”
“As much as I hate to admit it yes. I would have been a goner if it wasn’t for our little friend back there.”
With undying loyalty Aidan followed behind Synn and Culain.
“Because of him I was able to wake up before that bastard’s buddy did me in for the count. Unfortunately that bastard was gone with the barrel and you know the rest.”
The situation was definitely grim, the fact that Synn and Culain already searched nearby caves only to come up empty handed made it worse. They were running out of places to look but then by a mere stroke of luck they heard a sound that no normal animal could make and it was close.
*Klang!* *Klang!* *klang!*
The sound of heavy machinery stomping on the ground could be heard. Feeling a little uneasy about that sound Culain whispered ‘hide’ to Synn. Although he didn’t need Culain to tell him that Synn followed him into the nearby shrubbery without hesitation.
Being as furtive as possible both Synn and Culain peeked beyond the shrubbery to see a Magitek armor along with several others  walking out of a cave which was conveniently concealed by two large fallen trees. The people accompanying the Magitek armor had simple cloths on and if they weren’t with the Magitek armor they would be mistaken for ordinary towns’ people. In fact some of them were people Synn had seen during his stay with Culain. Synn guessed that they planned to take over the town with force then disprove any news of an attack by Garleans by posing as the towns’ inhabitants. One of those who left the cave a Hyur stayed at the entrance and watched the group until they passed the shrubbery Synn and Culain were hiding in, seeing that he went back into the cave. Once the sounds of the Magitek armor couldn’t be heard Culain spoke.
“Ok looks like the Magitek armor is headed towards the town and there should be more Garleans in that cave there.”
Synn looked at the cave then where the Magitek armor was walking towards and back to the cave.
He rose from his hiding spot and drew his sword his course of action already decided, but Culain held him back.
“I know what you’re thinking Synn but-“
“If you know then why hold me back? If we both go in there then we can clear it of all those Garlean scum without much trouble.”
Hearing this Culain rose and towered above Synn, his usual jovial face hardening into a scowl.
“By the time we finish in there half of the town would have been destroyed.”
“Then let it be destroyed, better-“
Much like how Synn interrupted him Culain did the same, only he did so with his fist to Synn’s stomach and although he held back it was still enough to send Synn to his knees.
“You arrogant bastard… have your thoughts of revenge make you forget who we are? Yes I know we make sacrifices when others won’t, but that isn’t the only thing we do.”
Synn remained on his knees his head pressed against the ground as a form of repentance. Not because he went against Culain but because Culain was right about thoughts of revenge changing him. Because he had obsessed over revenge he took pleasure in fighting and torturing any criminals he found when he should have just killed them and move on. And also because of thoughts of revenge occupying his head he had forgotten something just as important as justice, protecting the lives of others.
Culain’s face softened and he helped Synn back to his feet.
“Looks like you’ve remembered, now are you ready to help me save some lives?”
Synn nodded.
“Alright then you’ll take care of the Magitek armor and I’ll handle the cave.”
“Ok but if I find you dead by the time I finish I’ll kill you myself.”
Culain smiled faintly then held both of the Mythril hora he had in each hand and before entering the cave waved goodbye to Synn as he left to deal with the Magitek armor.
When the Magitek armor left the cave it had three escorts with it, an easy enough number to deal with but not if the Magitek armor was there to help. In order to deal with three Garleans plus Magitek armor he had to keep it quiet. Finding the Magitek armor along with its entourage was simple all he had to do was follow the tracks it had left and after a bit of running he found it.
On a cliff overlooking the town the Garlean who was riding the Magitek armor got off and surveyed the town while the rest guarded the area. After watching their patterns closely Synn made his move and silently disposed of the Garlean farthest from the others. Checking to make sure he wasn’t noticed he saw that the other Garleans had gathered by the cliff with the one who was riding the Magitek armor. They weren’t close enough to the cliff that he could push them off but regardless an idea had struck him, it was a rather reckless idea but it would save a lot of time if it worked. Not wanting to waste time and have Culain rescue him, he decided to give it a try.
Being as quiet as he could manage Synn pulled out the dead Garlean’s great sword and sneaked his way towards the Magitek armor. Upon reaching his destination he took one last peek at the Garleans before proceeding. Seeing that he was safe Synn started to plunge the great sword directly into the barrel of the Magitek armor. The sound it made as it went it was akin to someone repeatedly using a fork to scratch a plate and since he was the one causing that sound, it felt like that someone was scratching the plate right next to his ear. Without a doubt this was something the Garleans would hear. Acting quickly Synn climbed up to the controls and haphazardly made the Magitek armor face the floor.
Now parallel to the floor Synn crooked his head up and saw every Garlean present running towards him. Almost falling face first off the Magitek armor Synn managed to run out of their reach and started shouting.
“Damnit if only I had more time to figure out the controls I would have used it to blast you all to pieces!”
Synn indeed was running but he was running at a pace that the Garleans could catch him should they wish to but they didn’t pursue him. Instead one of them had made the Magitek armor stand up right while the other two stayed next to it. He could hear one of them say ‘show this mongrel how it’s done.’ And then…
The Magitek armor exploded sending shrapnel flying everywhere; the Garleans who stood next to it were now several feet away from it both covered in shrapnel one of them with a rather large piece lodged into his head and the other had lost several limbs. The one who was ridding it or what was left of him could be seen falling down the cliff.
Synn was ecstatic when it blew but the celebration was short lived as some of the shrapnel was sent his way which made him franticly move out of the way. Having finished with the Magitek armor Synn rushed back to the cave to meet up with Culain.
Once he arrived at the cave Synn already discovered several bodies of Garleans also in simple clothing scattered about. Although it was obvious that Culain was the one who literally beat them to death he was nowhere to be seen and Synn still had yet to search the entire cave.
As Synn went deeper into the cave he felt a draft and noticed the cave’s narrow passages began to expand. He continued through the cave until coming to an open area, the ceiling of the cave replaced with open sky. Because of this plenty of flora one would normally see grow out side was present in the cave, accompanied by a flowing stream of water with dew forming on each of the plants. The area looked quite peaceful.
Visiting such a tranquil place would make anyone feel at peace, but Synn wouldn’t have that luxury with the Garleans occupying it along with one unbelievably fact.
As soon as he had arrived Synn witnessed Cara pulling her blade out of Culain’s chest letting him fall to the ground, his face sharing the same disbelief as Synn. As the blood puddled around him Aidan huddled nearby weeping.
Whatever her reasons were Synn didn’t care, she had killed Culain, someone who was a trusted friend who shared his beliefs along with the sorrow of losing a loved one. He would never forgive her.
With his sword in hand he lunged towards Cara with murderous intentions, but before he could land the killing blow Lelia stood in his way and blocked the attack meant for Cara. Now there was no doubt, Lelia and Grindan along with Cara were among the Garlean scouts sent to this town.
Lelia and a few other Garleans looked like they were about to charge at Synn but Cara’s voice stopped them.
Everyone looked at her and waited for her to continue. Cara looked at Synn with sad eyes.
“Synn… I’m sorry you had to find out about me this way.”
Synn scoffed his voice full of scorn.
“Like there would be a better way to find out someone I trusted turn out to be one of those Garlean bastards who now not only killed my parents but also two trusted friends of mine. Now tell me, do you honestly think I would forgive you or them for that!?”
Cara was silent for a moment before speaking again.
“Synn what we’re doing will help bring peace to Eorzea. I’m sure you understand that it requires some sacrifices to achieve as soon as possible.”
“You’re right…sacrifices are needed in order to obtain peace as soon as possible…, but… peace ruled by Garleans can’t be called real peace!”
Cara was shocked. This was not what she expected Synn to say.
“But why?”
“Are you blind to what your people do? They’re tyrants! Every single one of them! Your history has been nothing but war! Continuously conquering land that was never yours to begin with, forcing those who now live under your rule to submit to your beliefs and if they don’t they are most likely killed. All for the sake of your self-righteous glory!”
Once Synn said this he could see all of the Garleans tense up getting ready to attack at any moment. Synn was the same and a fight would most likely erupt soon but Cara continued to speak.
“We do that so that all of us are focused on one goal! Because of that there are no conflicts within Garlean society-“
“Only because you’ve forced those who would oppose you into submission!”
“It’s for the greater-“
“It’s for some old bastard to say ‘I rule the world’!”
Synn really did it now after hearing that ‘old bastard’ bit every Garlean there appeared as if they wanted to rip his head off. Now it looked like this would end the conversation but again Cara spoke.
“Synn please I know it’s not perfect but-“
Synn refused to her another word out of her mouth and as he continued speaking every word seethed with hate.
“What did you think I would agree to help you ‘make it better’? That because we had been friends I would just surrender and accept your way of life? I told you didn’t I? I would never forgive those who killed my parents and neither will I forgive you for killing Culain!”
Cara hanged her head in shame and froze in place. There was nothing she could do to stop the fight now.
While Cara had remained were she was Synn ran everywhere the horde of Garleans would allow and with his sword in his right hand and a spell in his left he employed hit and run tactics to kill one at a time. This continued until six Garleans lied dead. Synn tried to cast another spell but it only flickered for a moment then sputtered harmlessly at the Garleans that remained. Because he couldn’t cast any more spells a few Garleans managed to get close enough for an attack. Three of them attacked simultaneously which sent Synn on the defensive. Dodging the first two easily the third had managed to slash at his side and just graze his face. Ignoring his wounds Synn quickly retaliated with a series of stabs killing the Garlean who managed to hit him. Before the remaining Garleans could close in Synn made a mad dash for Culain’s body and picked up one of his Mythril hora.
Now with Culain’s Mythril hora Synn took a more direct approach to combat but still being outnumbered he still had to rely on hit and run tactics. Blocking with the knuckle, countering with his sword and vice versa Synn managed to kill a total of four Garleans.
Their numbers now reduced to eight the Garleans grew wary of Synn. Now that there was a more manageable number of Garleans left Synn went on the offensive. Charging at the closest Garlean in sight he parried the expected attack then broke his skull with the hora then quickly turning to the left he stabbed at the Garlean who drew close. Using the Garlean’s body that he stabbed into as a shield he blocked oncoming attacks. Pushing the dead Garlean into another Synn freed his sword and immediately lunged at the one he had knocked down slashing twice at his chest. Quickly jumping back to evade an attack Synn sprang back at his attacker and punched the center of his chest.
Synn looked up from the new corpse and the rest of the Garleans shrank back a little under his gaze. Including Cara who was still hadn’t moved there were only six Garleans left. A sinister smile spread across Synn’s face his eyes flashed like an animal hunting its prey, not offering any respite he continued to slaughter the Garleans.
Now there were only three Garleans left Lelia, Grindan, and Cara. Still on a killing spree Synn went after Lelia. Grindan, who managed to get behind him while he was busy with Lelia, with a kick, sent Synn stumbling towards the ground. Synn spun around while falling and caught Grindan’s blade between the handle of the hora and diverted it from its intended target. Now with Grindan’s sword planted in the ground Synn quickly stabbed him in his chest.
As Synn rose and Grindan fell down he could hear two distinct shrieks. It seemed like Cara was no longer frozen in place. Lelia was already upon Synn as he was getting up while Cara began to shout as she rushed to join the fray.
“Not again! I won’t allow it to happen again!”
Ignoring this Synn focused on Lelia blocking her attacks as he rose then relentlessly bashed against her shield not leaving her any chance to counter. After forcing her to the ground Synn pinned her sword arm with a heavy stomp but she wasn’t going down just like that. When Synn continued his assault she quickly pushed her shield up making contact with Synn’s sword and sending it flying. Despite this Synn continued attacking by wrestling the shield free from her grasp and using it to repeatedly bash her head.
Cara was still rushing in while Synn finished off Lelia and as soon as he saw her now running towards him with even more fervor he quickly rose and tossed the shield at her. She easily evaded it but what caught her was Synn running up for a tackle. After wrestling the sword away from her and throwing it away without any mercy Synn’s hands wrapped around her neck.
As Synn was strangling the life out Cara she did whatever she could to free herself but no matter what she did it was futile. She continued to struggle until a drop of water fell on her face and looking up at Synn she could see why.
He was crying.
His eyes were filled with hate but still tears continued to flow.
Her own tears began to flow out and slowly she lifted up her hand to touch Synn’s face and between gasps for air she spoke.
“I’m… sorry…”
Her life now gone her hand fell limp at her side, never reaching what she wanted it too.
Synn rose silently the tears still streaming down his face. He surveyed the room and as a force of habit began counting the number he had killed.
Including Cara he had killed eighteen Garleans.
Amid the tears, a smile casually lifted his face and laughter emerged. Having his first taste of vengeance but also killing his first friend since his parents’ death Synn felt a surge of conflicting emotions.
Managing to kill every single Garlean bastard in the cave with only three cuts on his face and light wounds all over practically erased the built up irritation and frustration.
The loss of Culain and having killed Cara filled him with sorrow.
Cara actually being one of those Garlean bastards and killing Culain herself set him on fire with rage.
The absurdity of all this happening on his Nameday made him laugh.
The fact that he was now alone in the world made him weep.
Surrounded by corpses of those he hated and those he loved he continued to laugh and weep until his voice became hoarse and tears would no longer flow. By then the sun could be seen over the horizon.
To his left Synn heard Aidan cry out in sorrow over the body of Culain. After picking up his sword and both of Culain’s hora Synn put Culain’s arm over his shoulder and with great effort dragged him out of the cave, Aidan following behind forlornly.
As Synn dragged Culain away from the cave his breathing became ragged and his muscles ached but still he continued until he was a suitable distance from the cave. Laying Culain’s body on the ground and placing his weapons next to him, Synn left his body there for now and returned to the store, entering it he absent mindedly found some bandages for his wounds. Once he was finished tending to his wounds he took one last look around the store. Now with Culain gone the store was just the same as any other weapon shop where some other blacksmith Synn didn’t know would take over like nothing ever happened. On the way back to Culain’s body Synn found a large, flat rock, and using that he dug up the dirt until the sun was high in the sky. After placing Culain’s body in the hole he dug he buried him and used the rock as a tombstone. Placing the hora on top Synn got on one knee and pulled out his sword.
Cutting the palm of his left hand he put his sword in front of him and let the blood from his hand drip over it. The sword now covered in blood he held it up right and bowed his head.
“Our honored brethren we have gathered here today to remember your sacrifice, rest in peace, now that another has taken up thy bloodied sword.”
When Synn had finished he rose slowly, cleaned his sword, and then picked up Aidan who laid down on Culain’s grave while he was reciting a prayer his parents taught him.
“Come on you can’t stay here…”
Cradling Aidan in his arms he returned to the town.
After placing Aidan in the care of the local chocobo keeper and bandaging his hand he headed towards the farm house to pick up his journal. Ignoring the memories that surfaced when the Farm house was in sight he quickly retrieved his journal and left with shaky steps.
With one foot out the gate and another still in town he was stopped by a familiar little girl and her mother.
“Synn wait!”
Turning around to face the source of that voice Synn saw the little girl he had saved and her mother behind her. She appeared curious about the bandages and looked at Synn waiting for him to explain but he remained silent and stared at the girl with cold eyes.
“Um… where’s Cara?”
“Is she coming back?”
Hearing this, the girl frowned and then held something out towards Synn.
“Here take this when you see her again give it to her for me okay?”
Synn took the small trinket she held in her hand and accepting that as him agreeing to do as she asked she turned around and ran back to her mother. Synn waited for them to leave, took one last look at the town he saved, it’s residents cheerily going about their day, completely unaware of the danger they would have succumbed to if Synn wasn’t there.
Their peaceful lives safe from harm.
The price for preserving their tranquility was the single life of Culain.
Synn turned around in disgust and threw away the trinket as he hastily walked away.
When the town was no longer in sight, Synn collapsed to the ground and passed out, exhaustion and lack of sleep forcing his body to stop moving.
There on the road towards Ul’dah he had a rather strange dream. Strange not because he was fighting someone but because he was fighting someone while clad in what appeared to be light. Before he could make sense of it he awoke sitting in a carriage.
Apparently a merchant had found him lying on the road and was kind enough to give him a ride. Synn doubted that whole heartedly and quickly checked if anything of his was missing. Everything he had was still in his possession but he still didn’t trust the merchant, but since his muscles still ached and refused to move he had no choice but to stay on the carriage for a while longer. After a long while Ul’dah was finally in sight and having rested an ample amount of time, Synn quickly got off and disappeared before the merchant could say anything.
-Present day-
In Ul’dah’s Adventures guild tavern –The Quicksand- a young man was waiting impatiently for an acquaintance of his to arrive. This acquaintance of his had made him wait for three days now so his patience was wearing thin.
This young man whose patience was being tested to its extreme limit was none other than Synn himself. He was waiting for this acquaintance because he had informed Synn about where he could find the power of a Dark knight and after he had made some arrangements he would lead him there.  While waiting Synn mused over the memories of his first few weeks as an adventurer.
Having joined the Adventures guild and helping anyone who asked for it getting money for necessities was easy enough. During several of these requests Synn had other strange dreams in which apparently Hydaelyn itself needed his help and it seemed as though someone other than the Garleans was responsible for the Calamity, this altered Synn’s plans but not by much. Synn also joined other guilds to improve his skills but mostly he joined them to recover the money he had spent paying for the repairs for Culain’s store, information after all isn’t cheap, The Marauder guild being the most recent guild for him to join. Unlike the other guilds he joined he enjoyed his time with them all because, though indirectly, the guild’s principles fueled his violent tendencies. And through them he acquired the deadly skills of a Warrior.
 Although he had traded his sword for an axe, he still held on to it. It had too many fond memories to just discard like any other piece of equipment that no longer had a use.
Through all of these experiences Synn never stopped searching for Dark knights or gave up on his revenge.
Another fifteen minutes passed and Synn was feed up with waiting and was about to get up but then a voice called out to him.
“Synn, Is that you?”
He looked in the direction the voice had come from only to see no one until he looked down. A Lalafell had called out to him.
“So you’re finally here.”
“That’s right, now please follow me.”
Without waiting for a response the Lalafell sped out of the room. He was apparently in a hurry, also in a hurry Synn didn’t complain and quickly caught up. The Lalafell led Synn out of the city gate and far down the road. Synn frowned and let out a long sigh.
‘Another dead end huh?’
The Lalafell had led Synn into a trap, once no one else was around a group of Hyur, Miqo’te, a Roegadyn, and several other Lalafells had surrounded him.
“Alright just drop your money on the ground and maybe we’ll let you live.”
Synn’s frown was replaced by a malevolent smile and he held his axe in front of him without a word. Before the Lalafell could utter another word he was already without a head and without mercy Synn moved on to the others.
An arm to his left, a leg or two to his right, and even another severed head behind him, everywhere Synn swung his axe someone would lose a limb or their life.
With each passing moment the ember of life was slowly snuffed out leaving mutilated corpses and pools of blood behind.
Because he was completely enthralled with his bloody work after rendering his ambushers unable fight or flee, Synn failed to realize a local predator creep up and only noticed once it sank its teeth deep into him.
Synn managed to survive the encounter but he ended up having to remain in the city for a week. Although he should have stayed there for another two he refused to remain idle when there was much for him to do, but he was faced with a problem.
The leads that he had were just hoaxes meant to either rob or kill him sometimes both. He had almost died several times because of this and his days in Eorzea would only continue to get more dangerous.
Obviously he couldn’t afford to die just yet so to remedy his current situation he sought to enlist the help of others. Whether or not they would help or hinder him in his search for Dark knights or his revenge he had no way of knowing. Should they for whatever reason choose to do the later they would pay dearly.
Having to rely on others after all this time… Synn saw nothing but uncertainty, however there was one thing that was certain for Synn.

He was no longer caged and he would do anything to keep it that way.